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LSH edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 4 revisions

It's typical in Swing apps to use actions for Menus, buttons, etc rather than manually installing handlers. An action needs a handler function and some properties. Here's an example of creating an action and adding it to a toolbar:

(use 'seesaw.core)
(let [open-action (action
                    :handler (fn [e] (alert "I should open a new something."))
                    :name "Open ..."
                    :key  "menu O"
                    :tip  "Open a new something something.")
      exit-action (action
                    :handler (fn [e] (.dispose (to-frame e)))
                    :name "Exit"
                    :tip  "Close this window")]
    :title "Toolbar action test"
    :content (border-panel
                :north (toolbar :items [open-action exit-action])
                :center "Insert content here")))

Note that actions can be localized. See Resource bundles and i18n.

(action) also supports an :icon property which can be a javax.swing.Icon, a or something that looks like a file or URL after (str) has been applied to it. See seesaw/action.clj for an accurate list of options.

The :key property takes an argument which is passed to seesaw.keystroke/keystroke. This sets the accelerator key for the action.

Like widgets, actions can be modified with the (config!) function:

(def a (action :name "Fire Missiles" :enabled? false))

(config! a :name "Fire Missiles!!!" :enabled? true :handler (fn [e] (println "FIRE")))
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