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LSH edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 3 revisions

Here's how you can make a menu bar full of menus:

(frame :title "MENUS!"
    (menubar :items 
      [(menu :text "File" :items [new-action open-action save-action exit-action])
       (menu :text "Edit" :items [copy-action paste-action])]))

Note that calling the (native!) function at startup will ensure that the menu bar goes in the right spot on OSX.

(menubar) has a list of (menus), while each (menu) has text and a list of actions, or items. Note that in addition to using Actions as menu items, you can also use (menu-item), (checkbox-menu-item), and (radio-menu-item), each of which has the exact same behavior (and options) as a button.

Popup menus (context/right-click) can be easily added to a widget with the :popup property. Just give it a single-argument function that returns a list of actions or menu items. The function will be called each time the menu needs to be displayed. For example,

(listbox :popup (fn [e] [action1 action2 ...]))

Seesaw takes care of registering the mouse handler and showing the popup at the right time depending on the platform. See src/seesaw/examples/popup.clj.

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