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LSH edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 2 revisions

Working with Swing's JTable is usually a nightmare. Seesaw tries to make it less painful for common use cases. First note that there are two parts to a Seesaw table, the table itself and an underlying model. For the most part this distinction is hidden, but it's good to keep it in mind.

Please see table.clj for full details.

Create a table

So, let's create a table with some initial data:

  :model [
    :columns [{:key :name, :text "Name"} :likes] 
    :rows '[["Bobby" "Laura Palmer"]
           ["Agent Cooper" "Cherry Pie"]
           {:likes "Laura Palmer" :name "James"}
           {:name "Big Ed" :likes "Norma Jennings"}]])

This creates a two-column table with four rows. Note a couple things:

  • Each column has a key. A column can be specified as just a key, or a key along with text to display in the table header
  • Each row is either a vector of values, or a map of values indexed by column key
  • Here, the :model property, given a vector constructs the table's model using (seesaw.table/table-model). Any other table model could be used here as well.

Interrogate a table

We can grab values out of a table using (value-at). Assume that t is bound to the table created above:

user=> (value-at t 1)
{:name "Agent Cooper" :likes "Cherry Pie"}

user=> (value-at t [0 2])
({:name "Bobby" :likes "Laura Palmer"} {:name "James" :likes "Laura Palmer})

Given a single row index, a single record is returned. Given a sequence of indices, a sequence of records is returned.

Changing a table

We can update the value in one or more table rows using (update-at!):

user=> (update-at! t 1 {:likes "Cherry Pie and coffee"} 
              2 {:name "Doctor Jacoby"})

user=> (value-at t [1 2])
({:name "Agent Cooper" :likes "Cherry Pie and coffee"},
 {:name "Doctor Jacoby" :likes "Laura Palmer})

Inserting rows

Insert a row using (insert-at!)

user=> (row-count t)
user=> (insert-at! t 0 ["Log Lady" "Log"])
user=> (row-count t)
user=> (value-at t 0)
{:name "Log Lady" :likes "Log"}

Note that (insert-at!) can take an arbitrary number of row/value pairs.

Deleting rows

Delete a row user (remove-at!)

user=> (remove-at! t 0 1 2)
user=> (row-count t)
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