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Synge Todo edited this page Sep 19, 2022 · 14 revisions

ceenv (Computer Experiment Environment)


The latest version of this document is available at

  • What is ceenv?

    [ceenv (Computer Experiment Environment)] ( is a virtual machine that works on VirtualBox. It is being developed and distributed as a training environment of UNIX (UNIX commands, network, Emacs, Gnuplot), programming language (C, C++, Fortran, Python 2/3, MPI, OpenMP, BLAS/LAPACK), etc. The whole environment is included in one VirtualBox virtual disk image, and users can use it immediately by simply importing the image into VirtualBox.

  • What's VirtualBox?

    VirtualBox is open-source software providing a virtual machine environment. VirtualBox can be installed on Linux、macOS、Windows、Solaris. It supports most popular operating systems on x86/x64 architecture, such as FreeBSD、Linux、OpenBSD、OS/2 Warp、Windows、macOS、Solaris, etc, as guest OS. VirtualBox is distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL) Version2.

  • Relation between ceenv and MateriApps LIVE!

    MateriApps LIVE! is a VirtualBox virtual machine environment based on ceenv and pre-installed with various computational materials science applications and visualization tools. By simply importing it into VirtualBox, one can immediately start various computational material science simulations, such as first-principles calculations, molecular dynamics, and effective model simulations. All the computational materials science applications included in MateriApps LIVE! have been released as Debian packages, thus one can be easily installed and run on ceenv.

Files to be downloaded

How to setup ceenv

  1. Download filed listed above.
  2. Start VirtualBox Installer and install VirtualBox software.
  3. Start VirtualBox by double clicking ceenv-*-amd64.ova Virtual Disk Image. Click "Import" button in VirtualBox import window.

How to start ceenv

  1. Start VirtualBox.
  2. Choose "ceenv" on VM VirtualBox Manager panel and click "Start" button.
  3. Login to ceenv by using the following username and password
    • Login (user name): user
    • Password: live
  4. Open terminal window
    • start menu (at lower left) ⇒ “System Tools” ⇒ “LXTerminal”


  • Copy & Paste: How to paste strings copied from a PDF file on host OS?
    • right click on terminal window ⇒ “Paste” (or press “V” with “shift” and “control” keys)
    • right click ⇒ “Copy”, or “shift + control + C” to copy a string
  • Using Japanese keyboard
    • start menu ⇒ “System Tools” ⇒ “Switch to Japanese Keyboard Layout” 
(or execute “setxkbmap -layout jp” in terminal window)
    • check if “@” key works correctly
  • Making characters in the window larger (smaller)
    • “View” menu on the host OS, then choose a scale in “Virtual Screen 1”
  • File sharing between host OS and virtual machine
    • shutdown the virtual machine (ceenv), if it is running
    • choose ceenv-* in VirtualBox Manager window, then “Settings”
    • open “Shared Folders” tab and click “+” on the right
    • click “v” on the right of “Folder Path”, choose “Other…”, and select the folder to which the files have been copied from the USB stick memory
    • check “Auto-mount” box and press “OK”. Then press “OK” again
    • the folder specified above can be accessed as /media/sf_... after restarting the virtual machine
