This template is basend on scrreprt from KOMA-Script. It suits perfect for creating a bachelor or master thesis.
The document has the following structure:
- prmbl.tex
- Titlepage.tex
- BlockingNotice.tex
- Acknowledgment.tex
- ListOfContent.tex
- StatementOfAuthorship.tex
- ListOfFigures.tex
- ListOfTables.tex
- 1_Introduction.tex
- 2_SecondChapter.tex
- Appendix
- Optional: ListOfFormulas.tex
I used MikTeX 2.9 to create the template.
I like to use separate files for each chapter. So Introduction will be written file 1_Indroduction.tex, second chapter in 2_SecondChapter.tex and so on.
- remove fancy pagestyle
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Thank you