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boone runs arbitrary commands based on file-activity and declared dependency between monitored code trees.


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boone runs arbitrary commands based on file-activity and declared dependency between monitored code trees. It started as a personal CI tool, so its approach is heavily biased toward that use case even if the configuration options appear general purpose.

  • Terminal-based UI focused on issues that require attention.
  • Configuration of targets with glob inclusion/exclusion patterns, debounce control, multi-command sequences, pipeline commands, and target dependencies.
  • No focus-stealing features, e.g. email notifications.
  • Automatic cancel/restart of commands after newer file activity.

To install: go get -v


Global keyboard controls

  • q: quit

Status list

Status list

  • Keyboard controls:
    • 1-9: fullscreen view of the selected status (Detail list)

Detail list

Detail list

  • Keyboard controls:
    • 1-3: fullscreen view of standard error, standard output, or misc. details (Detail view)
    • Backspace: go back to Status list

Detail view

Detail view

  • Keyboard controls:
    • Backspace: go back one level (Detail list)
    • <j>/<down arrow>: scroll down one line
    • <k>/<up arrow>: scroll up one line
    • <ctrl-f>/<page down>: scroll down one page
    • <ctrl-b>/<page up>: scroll up one page


Glob patterns

All Include and Exclude glob patterns are converted to concrete paths using [doublestar]( Patterns must be relative to Target.Root paths.


  • Match all Go files at any depth under a top-level cmd directory: 'cmd/**/*.go'
  • Match directories named subdir at any depth and all their contents recursively: use both '**/subdir' and '**/subdir/**/*'
  • Match dot-prefixed directories at any depth and all their contents recursively: use both '**/.*' and '**/.*/**/*'

Quick example

  go_src_root: '/path/to/src'
  # Don't watch these files for any target.
    # Test fixtures
    - Glob: '**/fixture'
    - Glob: '**/fixture/**/*'
    # Third-party dependencies
    - Glob: '**/vendor'
    - Glob: '**/vendor/**/*'
  # target: files related to building the API used by the CLI
  - Label: 'my_project api'
    Id: 'my_project api'
    Root: '{{.go_src_root}}/tools/my_project'
      - Glob: 'lib/**/*.go'
      - Glob: 'models/**/*.go'
      # Dot-prefixed dirs
      - Glob: '**/.*'
      - Glob: '**/.*/**/*'
      # Generated mock implementations
      - Glob: '**/mocks'
      - Glob: '**/mocks/**/*'
      # check for compilation errors (fastest)
      - Label: 'build dry-run'
          - Cmd: 'make build-dry'
      # check for test failures
      - Label: 'test'
          - Cmd: 'make test-api'
      # check for lint failures (slowest)
      - Label: 'lint'
          - Cmd: 'make lint-api'
  # target: files related to building the CLI
  - Label: 'my_project cmd'
      - 'my_project api'
    Root: '{{.go_src_root}}/tools/my_project'
      - Glob: 'cmd/**/*.go'
      # check for compilation errors (fastest)
      - Label: 'build dry-run'
          - Cmd: 'make build-dry'
      # check for test failures
      - Label: 'test'
          - Cmd: 'make test-cmd'
      # check for lint failures (slowest)
      - Label: 'lint'
          - Cmd: 'make lint-cmd'


These references are organized by the top-level configuration sections.


Choose where to store program state.

  • Optional
  # Status lists will optionally be saved at shutdown and restored at startup.
  # - Optional
    # State file location.
    # - Optional
    File: '/path/to/session'

Reduce typos by defining key/value string pairs to access with {{.name}} syntax in any text field.

  • Optional
  • Field values must be single/double-quoted to use the variable syntax.
  • See the "Template variable availablility" section for more details.


  go_src_root: '/path/to/src'
  faster_than_default_debounce: '10s'
  longer_than_default_timeout: '20m'
  # ...


Run these targets when the program starts.

  • Optional
  • Each value is a Target.Id string.
  - 'cache'


Set behavior for all targets.

  • Optional
  # How long to wait after one command finishes before starting another.
  # - Optional (default: '5s')
  # - Valid time units are 'ns', 'us' (or 'µs'), 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'. (
  Cooldown: '10s'
  # Add these Exclude items to every target's Exclude list. Exclude.Root values cannot be defined here,
  # but they will default to each associated Target.Root.
  # - Optional
    # - Required
    # - See the separate "Glob patterns" documentation section for more details.
    - Glob: ''
    # ...


Each target defines one or more commands to run when a watched directory receives a file or a watched file receives a write. Deletion-based activation is currently not supported.

  • Required
  • Entity summary:
    • Use an Exec to define an individual command.
    • Use a Handler to make a logical sequence of commands from one or more Exec definitions.
    • Use Target to map a set of file Include/Exclude file/directory path patterns to one or more Handler definitions.
  # Example: this target exercises all available options except Upstream.
  # Label selects how the target is represented in the UI. While the Id field's purpose is addressing,
  # the Label field only supports readability.
  # - Required
  - Label: 'demo all options'
    # Common prefix/base for Include/Exclude file patterns.
    # - Required (if Include/Exclude lists are defined)
    Root: '{{.go_src_root}}/path/to/target/root'
    # How long to wait for file activity to stop before running the target (or enqueuing it
    # if another target is currently running).
    # - Optional (default: '15s')
    # - Valid time units are 'ns', 'us' (or 'µs'), 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'. (
    Debounce: '{{.faster_than_default_debounce}}'
    # - Uniquely identify this target for use in lists such as AutoStartTargets and Upstream.
    # - Optional
    # - If no other sections must refer to this target, the Id field can be omitted.
    Id: 'kitchen sink'
    # Execute the target's commands if an active file/directory's path matches at least one Include.Glob
    # and no Exclude.Glob.
    # - Optional
        # Execute the target's commands if any file/directory, matching this pattern, receives activity.
        # - Required
        # - See the separate "Glob patterns" documentation section for more details.
      - Glob: ''
        # Override the default prefix for Glob, Target.Root.
        # - Optional
        Root: '/path/prefix/for/glob'
      # ...
    # Execute the target's commands if an active file/directory's path matches at least one Include.Glob
    # and no Exclude.Glob.
    # - Optional
        # - Required
        # - See the separate "Glob patterns" documentation section for more details.
      - Glob: ''
        # Override the default prefix for Glob, Target.Root.
        # - Optional
        Root: '/path/prefix/for/glob'
      # ...
    # Each handler defines one or more commands to execute after file activity.
    # - Required
    # - Handlers execute in their declared order.
        # Label selects how the target is represented in the UI. It only supports readability.
        # - Required
      - Label: ''
        # Exec selects the commands this handler executes.
        # - Required
        # - Commands execute in their declared order.
          # Cmd defines the program and arguments to execute.
          # - Required
          # - See the separate "Commands" documentation section for more details about what's supported.
          - Cmd: ''
            # Customize the working directory.
            # - Optional
            Dir: ''
            # How long to wait for file activity to stop before running the target (or enqueuing it
            # - Optional (default: '10m')
            # - Valid time units are 'ns', 'us' (or 'µs'), 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h'. (
            Timeout: '{{.longer_than_default_timeout}}'
            # Add/overwrite environment variable keypairs.
            # - Optional
              - 'KEY1=VAL1'
              # ...
          # ...
      # ...
  # Example: this target is executed based on its watched file patterns and also if one of its Upstream targets executed.
  # Label selects how the target is represented in the UI. While the Id field's purpose is addressing,
  # the Label field only supports readability.
  # - Required
  - Label: 'after all-option demo or after own file activity'
    # - Uniquely identify this target for use in lists such as AutoStartTargets and Upstream.
    # - Optional
    # - If no other sections must refer to this target, the Id field can be omitted.
    Id: 'downstream demo'
    # After any target in this list finishes running, automatically enqueue this target to also run.
    # - Optional
    # - All values must be dependencies' Target.Id values.
      - 'kitchen sink'
    # Execute the target's commands if an active file/directory's path matches at least one Include.Glob
    # and no Exclude.Glob.
    # - Optional
        # Execute the target's commands if any file/directory, matching this pattern, receives activity.
        # - Required
        # - See the separate "Glob patterns" documentation section for more details.
      - Glob: ''
      # ...
    # Each handler defines one or more commands to execute after file activity.
    # - Required
    # - Handlers execute in their declared order.
        # Label selects how the target is represented in the UI. It only supports readability.
        # - Required
      - Label: ''
        # Exec selects the commands this handler executes.
        # - Required
        # - Commands execute in their declared order.
            # Cmd defines the program and arguments to execute.
            # - Required
            # - See the separate "Commands" documentation section for more details about what's supported.
          - Cmd: ''
          # ...
      # ...
  # Example: this target is only executed via AutoStartTarget.
  # It could also define Include patterns in order to run both at startup and based on file activity
  # (in which case a Root path would be required).
  # Label selects how the target is represented in the UI. While the Id field's purpose is addressing,
  # the Label field only supports readability.
  # - Required
  - Label: 'pre-warm caches'
    # - Uniquely identify this target for use in lists such as AutoStartTargets and Upstream.
    # - Optional
    # - If no other sections must refer to this target, the Id field can be omitted.
    Id: 'cache'
    # Each handler defines one or more commands to execute after file activity.
    # - Required
    # - Handlers execute in their declared order.
        # Label selects how the target is represented in the UI. It only supports readability.
        # - Required
      - Label: ''
        # Exec selects the commands this handler executes.
        # - Required
        # - Commands execute in their declared order.
            # Cmd defines the program and arguments to execute.
            # - Required
            # - See the separate "Commands" documentation section for more details about what's supported.
          - Cmd: ''
          # ...
      # ...

File activity detection

A target's commands execute if:

  • An Include.Glob matches a file that receives a write or matches a directory which receives a new file. Deletion-based activation is currently not supported.
  • And the file/directory path matches no Exclude.Glob pattern.

If new file/directory is created after startup, and it satisfies the above conditions, then it will be added to the watched set.


Target.Handler.Exec.Cmd strings:

  • Support environment variables.
  • Support | pipelines in a [pipefail]( mode where if any individual command fails then the whole pipeline is considered a failure.

Template variable availablility

  • Key/value pairs in the Template config section are available in:
    • Target.Debounce
    • Target.Root
    • Target.Handler.Exec.Cmd
    • Target.Handler.Exec.Dir
    • Target.Handler.Exec.Timeout
  • Target.Handler.Exec.Cmd can access these additional variables:
    • Dir: absolute path to the directory of the file activity
    • HandlerLabel: copy of Target.Handler.Label
    • IncludeGlob: Glob of the Include that matched against the file activity
    • IncludeRoot: Root of the Include that matched against the file activity
    • Path: absolute path to the active file
    • TargetLabel: copy of Target.Label


File activity lifecycle

  1. Detect that a watched file has received a write or a watch directory has received a new file. Deletion-based activation is currently not supported.
  2. Wait until target activity has stopped for Target.Debounce amount of time, enqueue the target to run, display it in the UI with a pending status.
  3. Run all of the target's handlers serially in declared order, running each handler's command list serially in declared order. Display the target in the UI as started.
  4. If target file activity occurs while the target's commands are running, kill the running command and cancel any that were pending. Start the above sequence again.
  5. After running a command, sleep for Global.Cooldown amount of time before starting the next.
  6. If the command fails, display the target in the UI as failed. If it succeeds, remove it from the UI.
  7. If the program is shutdown cleanly before a target's command list finishes, enqueue it to run again at startup (if Data.Session.File is set).
  8. After running all of target's commands, run all downstream targets (those with the current target's Id in their Upstream list).



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  • Please feel free to submit issues, PRs, questions, and feedback.
  • Although this repository consists of snapshots extracted from a private monorepo using transplant, PRs are welcome. Standard GitHub workflows are still used.


boone runs arbitrary commands based on file-activity and declared dependency between monitored code trees.








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