Build out an autoscaling group for a microservice.
Inputs are set in file terraform.tfvars
. They are:
- S3 Bucket Name: must be unique
- Public Key (string): This is the key pair used to access instance and trigger auto-scaling
The microservice code is available as a zip file:
An S3 bucket is created and the code zip file is uploaded to it
A new Autoscaling group is created consisting of:
- A launch config based on a specified AMI (defaults to an AMI from us-west-2)
- An Instance Role is applied for S3 Read-Only access
- A new security group is created and applied to launch config
- NodeJS, PM2 (process manager) and the microservice are installed and started via UserData
- An autoscaling policy is setup to manage number of instances
- A CloudWatch alarm tracking instance metrics is attached to autoscaling group
A new ELB is created and instances are registered
terraform plan
, follow instructions as needed.terraform init
is needed to initialize- View output of
terraform plan
to see what will be created
terraform run
to start provisioning resources- final output will be the Elastic Load Balancer URL
- ELB url format:
) - Accessed via browser, outputs JSON :
{"hits": NNN,"name":"hit-counter-pid-XXX","host":"ip-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX"}
Subscribe to SNS topic
under AWS Console > SNS > Topicshit-counter-asg
- Choose EMAIL or SMS as protocol and confirm subscription
Find newly created instance under AWS Console > EC2 > Name
and lookup it's public IP -
Use the SSH Private Key (pair of public key specified earlier) to access instance
- Access using
ssh -i <private_key_file> ec2-user@<public ip>
- Access using
Using the
tool, simulate high CPU Utilization and trigger the scaling up of instances.
stress --cpu 2
Blog -
Github -
Autoscaling Stack:
terraform graph -draw-cycles -type=plan > autoscaling_graph
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe" -Tpng autoscaling_graph > graph.png