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all-cabal-tool committed May 24, 2017
1 parent 80a5f82 commit df52ffa
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Showing 2 changed files with 109 additions and 0 deletions.
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions postgrest-ws/
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@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
name: postgrest-ws
synopsis: PostgREST extension to map LISTEN/NOTIFY messages to Websockets
description: Please see
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Diogo Biazus
copyright: 2016 Diogo Biazus
category: Web
build-type: Simple
-- extra-source-files:
cabal-version: >=1.10

hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall
exposed-modules: PostgRESTWS
, PostgRESTWS.Broadcast
, PostgRESTWS.Database
, PostgRESTWS.HasqlBroadcast

other-modules: PostgRESTWS.Claims
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, hasql-pool >= 0.4 && < 0.5
, text >= 1.2 && < 2
, wai >= 3.2 && < 4
, websockets >= 0.9 && < 0.11
, wai-websockets >= 3.0 && < 4
, http-types >= 0.9
, bytestring >= 0.10
, postgresql-libpq
, time
, lens
, lens-aeson
, jwt
, unordered-containers >= 0.2
, postgresql-libpq >= 0.9 && < 1.0
, aeson >= 0.11
, protolude >= 0.1.6 && < 0.2
, jwt >= 0.7.2 && < 0.8
, hasql >= 0.19
, either
, stm-containers
, stm
, retry
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings, NoImplicitPrelude

executable postgrest-ws
hs-source-dirs: app
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: Config
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, transformers >= 0.4 && < 0.6
, hasql >= 0.19
, hasql-pool >= 0.4
, warp >= 3.2 && < 4
, unix >= 2.7 && < 3
, jwt >= 0.7 && < 1
, postgrest-ws
, postgresql-libpq >= 0.9 && < 1.0
, protolude >= 0.1.6 && < 0.2
, base64-bytestring
, bytestring
, configurator
, optparse-applicative
, text
, time
, wai
, wai-extra
, wai-app-static
, heredoc
, auto-update
, ansi-wl-pprint
, http-types
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings, NoImplicitPrelude, QuasiQuotes

test-suite postgrest-ws-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Spec.hs
other-modules: BroadcastSpec
, DatabaseSpec
, HasqlBroadcastSpec
build-depends: base
, protolude >= 0.1.6 && < 0.2
, postgrest-ws
, containers
, hspec
, hspec-wai
, hspec-wai-json
, aeson
, hasql
, hasql-pool
, http-types
, wai-extra
, stm
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings, NoImplicitPrelude

source-repository head
type: git
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions postgrest-ws/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

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