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Frequently Asked Questions

kgal edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 21 revisions

Stop the automatic discovery and linking

Q: Is there a way to stop text from being turned into a link

A: If there is text you don't want to be turned into a link, surround it with no-link tags:


Spacing around selections and assignments

Q: Why do I get spurious spacing around selections and assignments?

A: Because you put them there! Actually, it's not all your fault, basic XML formatting is to blame. The simple solution is to make sure there is no whitespace (unless you want one) after the


start tags and before the


end tags. For example, this

 <selectable>This is the correct 
 way to do this even if it looks ugly in
 the input xml document</selectable>

is correct and this

    This looks better, but
    will cause extra spaces
    when transformed to html.

is [probably] wrong.

Style Guide

Q: What style guide is used for Protection Profiles?

A: Wikipedia's style guide

HTML Entity References

Q: How can an HTML non-breaking space (and other HTML Entity References) be entered in the input XML document? &nbsp; doesn't work.

A: HTML references (e.g. &nbsp;) are only valid in HTML. You're editing XML. You'll have to use the raw entity reference (hex or decimal). For non-breaking spaces, it's #x90;. For less-than characters, it's #x3c;. Less thans ('<') and ampersands ('&') do have built-in entity references, namely &lt; and &amp; respectively.

You can also use CDATA sections. For example

  You can put <![CDATA[ & and < ]]> in CDATA sections!

Expand/Collapse All Assurance Activities Boxes

Q: How can you expand/collapse all assurance activities in a PP

A: Append


to show all assurance activities or


to hide all assurance activities. For example,

Per-person Makefile Settings

Q: Helper.make provides many hooks. Is there a way that I could make hooks specific to my system?

A: Yes. In your project's Makefile add -include _SomeMakefile_ before the include $TRANS/Helper.make It should look something like the following:

-include LocalUser.make
include $(TRANSFORMS)/Helper.make

In this case there should exist a file LocalUser where your system-specific settings should go. It should also be added to the .gitignore file so that your settings are not pushed out to everyone.

Section Ordering

Q: How are sections, requirements, components, ordered?

A: Besides special categorizations (like grouping optional components together in an appendix), items are generally ordered in the same order as the input XML document.

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