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More advanced commands

[Documentation work in progress...]

robust has a variety of tools beyond the basics to aid engineering design under uncertainty.

All of these methods have been implemented in the robustSPpaper code repository, which defines the models used in [Ozturk, 2019].

Choosing between RGP approximation methods and uncertainty sets

There are many possible **options to RobustModel, but the primary function of the options is to be able to choose between the different RGP approximation methods defined in [Saab, 2018], which have differing levels of conservativeness. We prefer to define the three methods in a dict for ease access, and call RobustModel, for example for Best Pairs, as follows:

methods = [{'name': 'Best Pairs', 'twoTerm': True, 'boyd': False, 'simpleModel': False},
           {'name': 'Linearized Perturbations', 'twoTerm': False, 'boyd': False, 'simpleModel': False},
           {'name': 'Simple Conservative', 'twoTerm': False, 'boyd': False, 'simpleModel': True}]
method = methods[0] # Best Pairs
robust_model = RobustModel(m, uncertainty_set, gamma=Gamma, twoTerm=method['twoTerm'],
                               boyd=method['boyd'], simpleModel=method['simpleModel'])

For uncertainty_set, 'box' and 'elliptical' are currently supported, and define the \infty- and 2-norms respectively.

Simulating robust designs

Robust optimization provides guarantees of constraint satisfaction under the defined uncertainty sets, but it is possible that the real distributions of uncertainty are better defined by probability distributions. Within robust, we have a framework to generate Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of the uncertain parameters to estimate the probability of constraint violation (i.e. probability of failure [pof]) of models, as well as the expectation and standard deviation of the objective cost. To generate samples of uncertain parameters and simulate a robust model's performance over these samples, we use the simulate module of robust. Good implementations of robust.simulate are in robustSPpaper/SimPleAC_pof_simulate.

There is one additional step before GPkit models can be simulated. Every free variable that is fixed during MC simulation must have a fix = True attribute, as following:

A         = Variable("A", "-", "aspect ratio", fix = True)

This allows for the optimizer to know that these variables (eg. aspect ratio in aircraft design), once the optimization is complete, cannot change under simulation. Other variables, eg. state variables such as speed and altitude of an aircraft, can change during MC simulation to fulfill constraints.

There are a daunting number of parameters for the functions in this module, most of which have little or no effect to optimization and simulation outcomes, but are necessary for the mathematics of RGPs. This I would recommend overcoming by creating a parameter function such as the following, which I have filled with some defaults:

def pof_parameters():
    model = SomeGPModelWithUncertainParams() # A GP model with uncertain parameters
    number_of_time_average_solves = 3 # number of solves for computing time cost, set to 1 if not important

    # Each combination of methods, uncertainty_sets and gammas generates a
    # new RGP model designed with these inputs, to be tested against MC samples.
    methods = [{'name': 'Best Pairs', 'twoTerm': True, 'boyd': False, 'simpleModel': False},
               {'name': 'Linearized Perturbations', 'twoTerm': False, 'boyd': False, 'simpleModel': False},
               {'name': 'Simple Conservative', 'twoTerm': False, 'boyd': False, 'simpleModel': True}
    uncertainty_sets = ['box', 'elliptical']
    nGammas = 11
    gammas = np.linspace(0, 1.0, nGammas)

    # These exist because RGPs/RSPs implement robust linear programs in their backend.
    # Defaults are great for engineering purposes.
    min_num_of_linear_sections = 3
    max_num_of_linear_sections = 99
    linearization_tolerance = 1e-4

    # PARALLELIZATION (will be available in future, please keep as False for now)
    parallel = False

    number_of_iterations = 100 # number of MC samples
    distribution = 'normal' # or 'uniform'

    # GENERATING SAMPLES (contained in directly_uncertain_vars_subs)
    nominal_solution, nominal_solve_time, nominal_number_of_constraints, directly_uncertain_vars_subs = \
        simulate.generate_model_properties(model, number_of_time_average_solves, number_of_iterations, distribution)

    verbosity = 1 # controls printouts for simulations

    return [model, methods, gammas, number_of_iterations,
    min_num_of_linear_sections, max_num_of_linear_sections, verbosity, linearization_tolerance,
    number_of_time_average_solves, uncertainty_sets, nominal_solution, directly_uncertain_vars_subs, parallel,
            nominal_number_of_constraints, nominal_solve_time]

Simulating a GPkit model is equivalent to optimizing the model over its remaining free variables (without the 'fix' attribute). For Monte Carlo simulations, it is important to note that the solution time is proportional to the product of number of methods, uncertainty sets, gammas and samples. As such, one MC simulation usually takes similar to slightly less time to one solution to the un-robustified model. Furthermore, MC simulations take longer for robustified models vs. unrobust ones, since infeasibility can be detected faster than a feasible solution. If in a time crunch, it is recommended that one method, set and gamma is chosen for simulation purposes.

Once the parameters are generated, the robust.simulate module can be used to generate MC data.

solutions, solve_times, simulation_results, number_of_constraints = simulate.variable_gamma_results(
                                         model, methods, gammas, number_of_iterations,
                                         max_num_of_linear_sections, verbosity, linearization_tolerance,
                                         uncertainty_sets, nominal_solution, directly_uncertain_vars_subs, parallel=parallel)

It is highly recommended that you save/pickle the results, since MC simulations can have a large time cost. robustSPpaper/SimPleAC_save and other files in the simulate module have simple demonstrations of saving/pickling.