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Unrand Review

Edgar A. Bering IV edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 3 revisions


  • Ensure that each unrand is good or interesting.

    • Specifically, a good unrand is one that at the very least a player already somewhat skilled to use it will prefer or give serious consideration to using. Some are so good that they might even tempt a player to re-skill to use them. This is ok, but we should be careful not to go too far in this direction.
    • An interesting unrand is one that has drawbacks but in such a way that its use requires a change in play style to fit the item. This change might or might not be desired by a given player, but at least some play styles should be interested or tempted by the unrand.
    • Unambiguously bad items aren't interesting, and at best serve as newbie traps.
  • Ensure that each unrand is unique.

    • Ideally this would mean mechanical uniqueness.
    • If an unrand is to be a "flavor" unrand, then it should probably be good and have a distinctive set of stats to accompany its flavor.
    • Make sure that we don't have so many flavor unrands that they get lost and become bland. I think crawl is in a good place for this right now, but it's something to watch out for.
  • Fix technical and balance issues with existing unrands.

    • Several unrands lack proper prompting for harming allies due to their spell effects.
    • Some don't trigger Okawaru penance when they should.
    • At least one needs the above and rebalancing, but there may be others that are too strong presently.


For unrands that need a rework of their central ideas due to being uninteresting or too weak. Historical reworks are preserved here to help brainstormers get an idea of what is an appropriate revision.

Completed in 0.22

  • Vampire's Tooth: From a +4 dagger to a +12 quick blade, keeping the same 100% vampiric mechanic.
  • Mace of Variability: Removed the variable plus gimmick, made it fixed enchant +7 and gave it chain of chaos on hit occasionally.
  • Thermic Engine: Removed rF- and rC-.

Completed in 0.23

  • Spriggan's Knife: Loses Dex+4 and MR+ to de-stat-stick it some. Converts all stabs to sleep stabs.
  • Singing Sword: Gains vorpal brand, sonic damage effect is on hit with the damage formula buffed and simplified.
  • Robe of Misfortune: Now a +5 with {*Corrode *Contam *Drain *Slow Harm EV+5}
  • Sceptre of Torment: Now a +7 eveningstar of pain that casts torment in 1 in 5 hits but spares the wielder.
  • Finisher: (50-hd)/200 chance to instakill. Loses Str+3.
  • robe of Clouds: +3 robe of Clouds {+Thunder rCloud rElec}. Lose the mist gimmick and flight in favor of cloud immunity and evocable storm clouds (5 MP, radius 2 flood fill lasting 8+r2a(8,2) turns).
  • skin of Zhor: gains SInv and a one in seven chance per 10 auts to cast metabolic englaciation
  • (new) demon trident Rift: +8 range 3 distortion demon trident with smite targeting.

Completed in 0.24

  • storm bow:
    • (kitchen_ace): In PR 995 it is suggested that the storm bow gain piercing and piercer be removed. This is to differentiate storm from any old electric longbow.

Completed in 0.25

  • the Elemental Staff Make it an enhancer to all elemental schools. Implemented by sdynet
  • Bloodbane and Leech:
    • (kate) Both are +8 demon blades - they've now been merged to have Leech's always-effective vampiricism and Bloodbane's */+Rage.
  • boots of the Assassin:
    • (kate) The flavour for these doesn't really feel right on a pair of boots. Turned them into a hat (hood of the Assassin), although this does mean there are now no unrand boots, and a lot of unrand hats.
  • Maxwell's etheric cage
    • (kate) Removed in trunk - feels like a very underwhelming effect, especially since MP regen is now just a standard amulet. Multiplying contamination received also isn't very relevant with the Haste spell removed.

Completed in 0.26

  • salamander hide armour: Now the armour gives the effect of the old ring of flames spell.
  • Maijin Bo: Gives spell vampirism instead of archmagi.
  • shield of Resistance: Buff to 2 pips, being a resist ego shield with a pip of MR isn't that exciting.
  • glaive of the Guard: Give it the spectral ego plus its elec ego? Spectral has good guard flavour. The plus might be too low now; could add a second spectral weapon for it (!)
  • cloak of Starlight: Dazzles monsters on dodge, on contrast to the on-hit effects of the other two randart cloaks
  • Sword of Power: Fires an energy bolt in the direction of your attack with chance to activate based on your HP%, and to only activate when actually swinging at a monster, not at empty space.

Completed in 0.27

  • The amulet of the Air: loses the EV bonus, becomes an Air enhancer
  • the Wrath of Trog: extends berserk (like bloodlust) and gains Rampage, as well as berserk penalties on swap.
  • the Robe of Folly: permanent brilliance, Int +8, and +4 enchant, sets willpower to 0.

Completed in 0.28

  • the hat of the bear spirit: now *Rage, doubles berserk HP bonus, and reduces slow duration
  • the ring of the Mage: now grants Archmagi and Wizardry, losing Will++ and Int+3.
  • Morg, robe of Augmentation: moved to an "early-game" unrand, where their power level is notable.

Completed in 0.29

  • amulet of Vitality: Regen++ and RegenMP++

Under Consideration

  • Zephyr: In a fine place, but we could make it a shortbow since we don't have any unrand shortbows.

New Ideas

  • shroud of Golubria The spell was removed, freeing the name for some sweet unrand flavour.
    • (ebering) A (robe/cloak/scarf) that does distortion effects on melee (hit/dodge) (can we find a way to flavour them as boots? like plane walking boots)

To Be Looked At

We don't have any specific ideas for these yet.

  • captain's cutlass
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