This repository has code and datasets for replicating the experiments in Declarative Decomposition Approach for Discovering Association Rules - IJCAI20
./satar -min-supp=MIN_SUPP -min-conf=NB_CONF -ncores=NB_CORES -mnr|-no-mnr DATASET
./satar -min-supp=MIN_SUPP -min-conf=NB_CONF -ncores=NB_CORES -mnr|-no-mnr -verb=2 DATASET
If you use SATAT in a scientific publication, please consider citing the following paper:
Yacine Izza, Said Jabbour, Badran Raddaoui and Abdelhamid Boudane (2020). [Declarative Decomposition Approach for Discovering Association Rules] ( - IJCAI 2020.
BibTeX entry:
author = {Yacine Izza and
Sa{\"{\i}}d Jabbour and
Badran Raddaoui and
Abdelhamid Boudane},
title = {Declarative Decomposition Approach for Discovering Association Rules},
booktitle = {IJCAI},
year = {2020}