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Stephen Crowley edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 1 revision

A marginal distribution in statistics is a probability distribution derived from a larger, multidimensional distribution for a subset of the variables. Essentially, it provides the probabilities or frequency distribution of a single variable, irrespective of the other variables in the dataset. Let's break it down further:

Definition and Purpose

  • Definition: The marginal distribution of a variable is the distribution of that variable alone, ignoring any potential relationships with other variables.
  • Purpose: It's used to understand the distribution of a single variable in a multivariate setting. This helps in analyzing the properties and behavior of one variable without the influence of others.

How It's Obtained

  • Summation or Integration: In a dataset with two or more variables, the marginal distribution of one variable is obtained by summing up (in the case of discrete variables) or integrating (in the case of continuous variables) the joint probability distribution over the other variables.
  • Example (Discrete Case): Suppose you have a joint probability distribution of two discrete variables, X and Y. The marginal distribution of X is found by summing the probabilities over all values of Y for each value of X.
  • Example (Continuous Case): For continuous variables, you would integrate the joint probability density function over the range of the other variable(s) to find the marginal distribution.

Mathematical Notation

  • Discrete Variables: For a joint probability mass function $P(X, Y)$, the marginal distribution of $X$ is:

$$P(X = x) = \sum_{y} P(X = x, Y = y)$$

  • Continuous Variables: For a joint probability density function $f(x, y)$, the marginal distribution of $X$ is:

$$f_X(x) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x, y) dy$$


  • Statistical Analysis: Marginal distributions are used in various statistical analyses to understand the properties of a single variable within a multivariate framework.
  • Data Visualization: They are often visualized in the margins of scatterplot matrices (SPLOMs) as histograms or density plots.

In Quantum Mechanics (Wigner Function Context)

  • In the context of the Wigner function in quantum mechanics, the marginal distributions are particularly significant because they link the quantum representation in phase space to the classical probability distributions of position and momentum, providing a bridge between quantum and classical descriptions.

Understanding marginal distributions is crucial in multivariate analysis, as it allows for the examination of each variable independently, often providing foundational insights before delving into the more complex joint or conditional distributions that consider interactions between variables.

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