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Time Budget

brennahoaks edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 28 revisions


We budget our money, but really time is the most valuable commodity we have. This application will be exactly what the name implies; a budget, for time. Much like a normal calendar, except you block out amounts of time for general activities. Then, at the end of a day/week/month you could get reports like "You spent 70% of your time doing homework, 15% of your time sleeping, and the other 15% crying."


Java on the backend and Flutter on the frontend.


  • Archiza, Marcelo (Backend Developer) - - @marceloarchiza
    • Develop backend code to handle requests from the client and interface with the database.
  • Draughon, Tyler (Backend Architect) - - @lavanmark
    • Design and manage backend architecture. Ensure proper backend coding practices are followed.
  • Fry, Samuel (Chief/Frontend Architect) - - @samfry13
    • Oversee the overall design/structure of the project. Determine design choices and help make goals for the project. Frontend UI/UX decision maker.
  • Hill, Kurt (Frontend Developer) - - @kurtishill
    • Develop the client for the project. Contribute frontend architectural design decisions together with Sam and Ammon. Take UI/UX decisions from Sam and turn into working client.
  • Kappen, Brad (Quality Assurance) - - @bradkappen
    • Oversee testing for both ends of the project. Produce automated tests and monitor bugs and issues within the project.
  • Mugimu, Ammon (Frontend Developer) - - @ammon-mugimu
    • Develop the client for the project. Contribute frontend architectural design decisions together with Sam and Kurt. Take UI/UX decisions from Sam and turn into working client.
  • Oaks, Brennah (Project Manager) - - @brennahoaks
    • Ensure and encourage the progress of the team. Generate the weekly reports and promote good communication among the team members.
  • Szendre, Joseph (Database/Backend Developer) - - @jszendre
    • Choose database for the project. Design the database schema. Write the database application code as well as be a part of other backend development.

Org Chart


GANTT and PERT Charts

Architecture and Design

Testing Documentation

Status Reports