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Where Can I Watch site

alexyancey edited this page Dec 7, 2019 · 29 revisions

This would be a site that would use api from all popular streaming services. A user can search for a movie or TV show and get information about where they can watch it for free or who they can pay to watch it if it isn't free anywhere.

Team Members

  • Alex Yancey
  • Lance Leavitt
  • Torsten Gang

Org Chart

  • Alex Yancey, Project Manager/QA Engineer
    • Make status reports and create sprint goals
    • Lead team meetings and create agendas
    • Create test plans for new features/bug fixes and approve or send back to developers
    • Reviews UI and design with Frontend Developer/UX Designer for QA
    • Discusses deadlines with Chief Architect and sets goals for team
  • Lance Leavitt, Chief Architect/Backend Developer
    • Choose technologies for development
    • Design structure for program and lead backend development
    • Works with Frontend Developer to integrate backend with UI
    • Talks to Project Manager to create deadlines on development
  • Torsten Gang, Frontend Developer/UX Designer
    • UI design of web page
    • Usability testing
    • Communicates with Chief Architect for integrating UI with backend
    • Communicates with QA Engineer for design reviews


Status Reports