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Repository files navigation



Collection of dot-files I use to configure my vim, bash and tmux. Constructed over time, by adding snippets, written by me and by generous authors in various forums on the internet.

Deprecation Notice

This repository is deprecated and not updated anymore. Instead use instead.

iOS and Linux support

Subtle command differences between iOS and Linux shell environments (rsync etc) are handled by the scripts.


  • Download or clone the repository with
git clone
  • Set execution permission on dot-files/
  • Execute ./dot-files/ to set up all the environments.
  • Execute source ~/.bash_profile to enable bash settings.
  • Enter a tmux session by using tmux and then tmux source ~/.tmux.conf to enable tmux settings.

What is set ?


  • Sets vimified.
  • Sets solarized-dark theme.
  • Allows for Google search from vim command line.
    • :Google <search_word> To search the word.
    • :Google '<search_phrase>' To search the phrase.
    • Use :Googlef instead of :Google to do current file specific queries. i,e :Googlef search from a python file would return python specific results and so on.
  • Allows for StackOverflow search from vim command line.
    • :SO <search_word> To search the word.
    • :SO '<search_phrase>' To search the phrase.
    • Use :SOf instead of :SO to do current file specific queries. i,e :SOf search from a python file would return python specific results and so on.


  • Sets base16 which provides similar display in both iOS and Linux environments.
  • Adds Date, Time and Box name to the bottom right.



Note: Your ~/.bashrc is untouched. Your ~/.bash_aliases will get copied to ~/.bash_extras. Continue to use ~/.bash_extras to store your bash shortcuts)

  • Adds git branch and pwd information to the command prompt.


  • Adds checks so that you do not lose files by mistake.
    • rm => rm -i
    • cp => cp -iv
    • mv => mv -i
  • Adds navigation shortcuts.
    • cd ../../.. => ...
  • Adds shortcuts for most used git commands.
    • git status => gs
    • git branch => gb (Also supports branch search with regex).
    • Pretty formated git log => gl
  • Adds rsync capability to copy directory subtrees from one place to another.
    • copy_files <src> <dest> Copies files in source subtree to destination maintaining the directory structure.
  • Adds rsync capability to move uncommitted git files around.
    • push_git_files <dest> Copies the uncommitted git files from current directory to destination.

Unlimited History

Logs all bash commands executed by you into ~/.logs in date wise log files. Searching something that you think you executed some time ago is as simple as

hs <search_word> or hs '<search_phrase>'

Logging is done in the following format.

<filename>:<timestamp> <directory> <history number> <command>

Output looks like


As the output is sorted you can use the history number as !<number> to execute the command again. This is not always supported as this tool specifically helps you to have an unlimited history of commands you executed and as a result if the command is not in your current bash history then !<number> wouldn't succeed.


A repository for my dot files.







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