Cube.Images is an image library available for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.5, .NET Standard 2.0, or later.
You can install the library through the NuGet package. Add a dependency in your project file using the following syntax:
<PackageReference Include="Cube.Images" Version="5.0.0" />
Or select it from the NuGet packages UI on Visual Studio.
- Fork Cube.Images repository.
- Create a feature branch from the master, net45, or net50 branch (e.g. git checkout -b my-new-feature origin/master). Note that the master branch may refer some pre-release NuGet packages. Try the rake clobber command when build errors occur.
- Commit your changes.
- Rebase your local changes to the corresponding branch.
- Run the dotnet test command or the Visual Studio (NUnit 3 test adapter) and confirm that it passes.
- Create a new Pull Request.
Copyright © 2010 CubeSoft, Inc. The project is licensed under the Apache 2.0.