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An tool to bootstrap and debug Quorum network. The main goal is to introduce fast/portable way of spinning and interrogating a network of N size node and X accounts locally for debugging and security research.

Siteth: generate a clean folder structure that represent the network information. User can zip / send this folder to anther siteth user and be able to run the network with minimum to no change.

Siteth: works as wrapper around other tools such as tshark for package sniffing, gdlv for golang binary debugging, and quorum ecosystem (geth, tessera, istanbul-tools).

Siteth: provide easy way to interface with RPC console through helpers script located in res/helpers.js from command line.

Siteth: is not intended to be used for production network deployment.

Siteth: is very fast writen script a lot of refactoring needed.

Siteth: res folder only support OSX for now.


res/helpers/helpers.js: javascript to interact with RPC

res/helpers/ automate golang debugger useful to instrument geth binary at run time.

res/helpers/private|public -contract-build.js: contract deployment template.

Usage --build --private --permissioned --info --run


Build network: --build --raft --workspace network --permissioned --private --info --size 8 --build --istanbul --workspace network --permissioned --private --info --size 8
Print information about network: --info --workspace network

Run previously created network: --run --workspace network

Reset network chain information: --reset --workspace network

Stop running network: --stop
Restart Tessera Network
 ./ --restartPrivacy --workspace <...>
Sniff network traffic & save to pcap: --run --sniff '*'  --workspace network
Debug tessera & geth --run --debug '*' --workspace network

Print geth parameters for debugging instead of running it
 ./ --run --skipGeth 1 --workspace <...>

Deploy public contract using random account from random node --contract contract.sol

Deploy public contract using specific account from specific node --contract contract.sol --sender 1 --account 0x000000

Deploy private contract using random account form random node to specific nodes --contract contract.sol --privateFor 1,2,3
Display all contracts information created by specific ethereum address --contractsOf 0x000000000

Display all transactions created by specific ethereum address --transactionsOf 0x000000000

Workspace folder structure

├── net-info
│   ├── accounts    # Ethereum account information
│   ├── helpers     # Put your network specific files for example contracts, notes ...etc
│   ├── keystore    # Contains accounts key store. Note: all geth nodes will have same copy of keystore, so accounts any account can be unlocked in anynode.
│   ├── tessera     # Tessera network configuration. 
│   │   ├── node-(1:X)-tx
│   │    
│   └── traffic     # Output of traffic analysis.
├── node-(1:X)
│   ├── geth
│   │   ├── chaindata
│   │   ├── lightchaindata
│   │   └── nodes
│   ├── keystore
│   ├── quorum-raft-state
│   ├── raft-snap
│   └── raft-wal


  --stop                Stop Existing Network
  --raft                Bootstrap raft network
  --istanbul            Bootstrap istanbul network
  --run                 Run Existing Network
  --buildRaft           Build raft network
  --restartPrivacy      Restart Tessera Network
  --skipGeth SKIPGETH   skip running geth instead print formed command. Use
                        comma separation for multiple nodes(ex, 1,2,3,4) or
                        '*' for all nodes
  --debug DEBUG         Rung golang binary Debug for specified nodes. Use
                        comma separation for multiple nodes(ex, 1,2,3,4) or
                        '*' for all nodes
  --sniff               Sniff network traffic
  --sniffClear          Clearn sniffing data
  --sniffName SNIFFNAME Sniff session name. Time format if not set
  --sniffStop           Stop traffic sniffing
  --reset               Reset chain information
  --getContracts        Get Information about all the contracts in the network
  --container           Build Docker container based infrastructure. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
  --containerServer CONTAINERSERVER Docker server location
  --contract CONTRACT   Path to contract to deploy. This is contract.sol file
  --account ACCOUNT     An existing ethereum account address to use to deploy
                        contract from. if not set a random one will be picked
  --password PASSWORD   An existing ethereum account password
  --sender SENDER       The node index to use as sender of the transaction. if
                        not set a random one will be picked
  --contractsOf CONTRACTSOF Show all contract creation transaction of account
  --transactionsOf TRANSACTIONSOF Show Accounts Transactions
  --privateFor PRIVATEFOR Nodes index to use (ex. 1,2,3,4). will set privateFor
                        to its the geth tx manager addresses for each node
  --info                Print information information
  --build               Build Network
  --private             Build With Privacy feature enabled
  --permissioned        Build With Permission feature nabled
  --size SIZE           Network size
  --accounts ACCOUNTS   Total number of Accounts
  --workspace WORKSPACE Network workspace folder
  --ether ETHER         Initial Account Funding Value
  --raftStartPort RAFTSTARTPORT Raft Start Port
  --gethStartPort GETHSTARTPORT Geth peering Start Port
  --rpcStartPort RPCSTARTPORT RPC Start Port
  --txTpStartPort TXTPSTARTPORT Tessera Third Party Start Port
  --tesserDebugPortStart TESSERDEBUGPORTSTART Tessera Debug port start
  --txQtStartPort TXQTSTARTPORT Tessera Quorum Transaction Start Port
  --txPpStartPort TXPPSTARTPORT Tessera Peer Network Start Port
  --istanbulStartPort ISTANBULSTARTPORT istanbul start port
  --gethParams GETHPARAMS Additional geth parameters

Optional Env Variables

export GO_DEBUGGER=... path to gdlv debugger
export GETH_DEBUG =... path to debuggable compiled version of geth
export RES_PATH=... path to resource folder.
export TESSERA=... path to tessera binary if not provided RES_PATH/bin/tessera will be used
export GETH_PATH=... path to geth binary if not provided RES_PATH/bin/geth will be used
export BOOT_PATH=... path to bootnode binary if not provided RES_PATH/bin/bootnode will be used
export ISTANBUL_PATH=... path to istanbul binary if not provided RES_PATH/bin/istanbul will be used


Must be installed
- solcjs - npm install -g solc
- tshark - brew install wireshark

- geth
- gdlv
- tessera
- bootnode

Future Features:

  • Refactor, restructure & clean
  • Support docker build & remote docker deployment
  • Integrate tshark as module instead of external dependency with pyshark
  • Support correlation between helpers/helpers.js functions and command line parameters automatically
  • Support constraining accounts to nodes instead of deploying all accounts to all nodes
  • Support contracts security scanning on the fly during deployment
  • Support multi-platform for res/bin
  • Check for ecosystem version compatibility