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Palantir is a Lua scriptable, portable, tiny reverse shell, using a human readable protocol written in C and Lua.


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Palantir is a Lua scriptable, portable, tiny reverse shell, using a human readable protocol written in C and Lua.


$ palantir [-dhlv] [-a TOKEN] HOST PORT


  • d Start as server
  • h Shows the usage
  • l Shows the license
  • v Shows the version
  • a Authentication token


  • -- exit Exits the client
  • -- halt Halts the server

All input will be evaluated and execute as Lua commands. The internal function will execute system commands by using the users default shell and return the results where strerr will be mapped to stdout.


  • Ctrl+n inserts a new line
  • Ctrl+x termintates the shell
  • Tab autocompletes keywords, functions, globals and commands

Only available if compiled with readline support.


The user profile ~/.profile.lua will be loaded at the start. The macro $ <command> is defined as a shortcut for calls by default.


Add-on packages will be searched with-in the default Lua package.path.


New global constants and functions will be defined which contain all shell specific extensions.


  • SERVER The command line option d
  • TOKEN The command line argument a
  • HOST The command line argument HOST
  • PORT The command line argument PORT
  • FILE The stated file name and path
  • HOME The stated user home directory
  • BUILD The compiled build information
  • DEBUG The compiled debug flag
  • VERSION The compiled version number



The network functions share one socket and are not meant to be re-opened:

  • net.server(host, port)
  • net.client(host, port)
  • net.connect(host, port)
  • net.listen(host, port)
  • net.accept()
  • net.recv()
  • net.send(command, param)

Operating System

The operating system functions will extend the Lua build-in os library:

  • os.path(path)
  • os.prompt(prompt)
  • os.sleep(milliseconds)


The default shell functionality can be extended by creating custom event callbacks. There are three different event sources:

  • server_<command>(param) Called when the server receives a <command>
  • client_<command>(param) Called when the client receives a <command>
  • client_prompt(line) Called when the client processes a prompt

All callbacks must return a boolean. In case true is returned, all further processing will be prevented.

The <command> names will be converted to lowercase.

Here is an example on how to implement a simple Echo Server:

function client_prompt(line)
  net.send('ECHO', line)
  return true
function server_echo(param)
  net.send('ECHO', param)
  return true
function client_echo(param)
  io.write(param .. '\n')
  return true


The Palantir protocol consists of two layers:

  1. Network Layer (transportation handled by C)
  2. Command Layer (interpretation handled by Lua)

Network Layer

A network frame is build according to the following format:

CHECKSUM (4 bytes) | SIZE (4 bytes) | DATA (n bytes)

The CHECKSUM is a bitwise CRC-32 over the DATA field only.


If an authentication TOKEN is provided, the network frames checksum will be pre-feed with the CRC-32 of the token before calculation.

Command Layer

A command is build according to the following format:

COMMAND (4 bytes) | BLANK (1 byte) | PARAM (n bytes)

Each command consists of a 5 byte command header followed by 0 to n bytes of param. A command header will end with a single blank character for better readability.

If an unknown command is received, no error will be raised, instead it will be ignored by the client and server.

Server Issued

  • HELO <user>@<host>:<path>
  • TEXT <text>

Client Issued

  • EXEC <command>
  • PATH <path>
  • HALT


Server: HELO root@localhost:/
Client: PATH var
Server: HELO root@localhost:/var
Client: EXEC return'echo hello')
Server: TEXT hello
Server: HELO root@localhost:/var
Client: HALT


$ cmake [-DDEBUG=ON] . && make


Required minimum versions:


Suppored minimum versions:


Licensed under the terms of the MIT License.