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This repo contains the core library for CustomRealms, the JavaScript runtime for Minecraft server plugins.


npm install --save @customrealms/core

Example #1 - Events

import { ServerEvents } from '@customrealms/core';

// Send a welcome message when a player joins the server
ServerEvents.register(org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent, (event) => {
	const player = event.getPlayer();
	event.setJoinMessage(`${player.getName()} joined the server!`);

Example #2 - Commands

import { ServerCommands } from '@customrealms/core';

// Strike lightning where the player is looking
ServerCommands.register('/strike', (player) => {
	const block = player.getTargetBlockExact(100);
	if (!block) return;
	const location = block.getLocation();

How it works

By default, without this library, the CustomRealms JavaScript runtime has access to all of the Java and Bukkit classes and functions.

This library serves several important purposes:

  • Provides TypeScript type declarations for the native Java / Bukkit types.
  • Implements a clean abstraction layer to make certain common tasks easier (such as commands, events, etc.)
  • Adds polyfills to support modern ES6+ features.


We need your help to implement new features, fix bugs, and optimize the entire system. If you want to help, please join our Discord and/or check out the Issues tab.