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the-nose-knows edited this page Apr 21, 2017 · 30 revisions

The following is a list of IDEs that can be used for Ruby development. Note while even a simple text editor can create Ruby scripts, these applications have specific features that target Ruby development (either natively or through a plugin). Programs are listed in the following format:

  • Program
    • Written in: (C, C++, Java, etc.)
    • Supported Operating Systems: (Mac, Windows, Linux, etc.)
    • License (For OpenSource or Freeware)
    • Standard Price, Academic Price (For commercial software)
    • Trial version: yes/no, if yes number of days (for commercial software)
    • Ruby support integration type ( Native or Plugin )
    • Syntax highlighting: yes/no
    • Autocomplete: yes/no

The List


  • Redcar

    • Written in: Ruby and Java
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • License: GPLv2
    • Native support for Ruby
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Aptana Studio

    • Written in: Java
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • Aptana Public License 1.0
    • Native through bundled plugin
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Nano

    • Written in: C
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • GPL
    • nanorc syntax support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: no
  • Vim

    • Written in: C
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • Charityware (GPL Compatible)
    • vim-ruby plugin
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • SciTE

    • Written in: C++
    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
    • Python-like
    • Native syntax highlighting
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: no
  • Komodo Edit

    • Written in: C++, C, XUL, Perl, Python, JavaScript, Tcl
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • Mozilla Public License
    • Native Ruby support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Notepad++

    • Written in: C++
    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows
    • GPL
    • Native Ruby syntax highlight support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: no
  • RDE

    • Written in: Delphi
    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows
    • Ruby License
    • Native Ruby support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Netbeans

    • Written in: Java
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • The CDDL and GNU Public License v.2 w/Classpath Exception
    • Native support Pre 7.0, Plugin support 7.0+
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Emacs

    • Written in: C
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • GPL
    • Ruby support through RSense
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Editra

    • Written in: Python
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • wxWindows License
    • Native Ruby support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Arcadia

    • Written in: Ruby tcl/tk
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • Ruby License
    • Native Ruby support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • FreeRIDE

    • Written in: Ruby
    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows, Linux
    • Ruby License
    • Native Ruby support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: no
  • Eric4

    • Written in: Python
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • GPLv3
    • Native Ruby support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: partial (autocompletes previously typed words)
  • jEdit

    • Written in: Java
    • Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • License: GPL 2.0
    • Plugin support through the RubyPlugin
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • gedit

    • Written in: C
    • Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • License: GPL
    • Native syntax support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: no
  • Cream

    • Written in: C & Vimscript
    • Operating Systems: GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Windows 95-XP
    • License: GPL
    • Syntax highlighting: 350+ languages
    • Autocomplete: word completion, Vim omni completion
    • based on Vim


  • TextMate

    • Written in: Objective C
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX
    • €39, Free for Academic non-commercial use
    • Trial version: yes (30 days)
    • Native support through included TextMate bundle
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: partial (snippets)
  • RubyMine

    • Written in: Java
    • Supported Operating Systems: OS X, Windows, Linux
    • $149 for a commercial and $69 for a personal license, free for academic and FOSS use
    • Trial version: yes, 1 month
    • Ruby support integration type: Native
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes (awesome)
  • Sublime Text 2

    • Written in: C++, Objective-C (Cocoa Integration), Python (Plugins)
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • $59
    • Trial version: Download is fully functional, shows a nag screen occasionally
    • Native support for Ruby
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • TextPad

    • Written in: Unknown
    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows
    • €16.50
    • Trial version: yes, unrestricted for evaluation purposes
    • Syntax support through syn file
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: no
  • InType

    • Written in: C++
    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows
    • Currently free, planned $25-$45 price tag
    • Trial version: planned 30 day trial
    • Native support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: partial (snippets)
  • UltraEdit

    • Written in: C++
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • $59.99 (Single Platform) $99.99 (Multi Platform)
    • Trial version: yes, 30 day trial
    • Native Ruby support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • BBEdit

    • Written in: Objective C
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX
    • $39.99
    • Trial version: yes 30 day trial
    • Native support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Coda

    • Written in: Objective C
    • Supported Operating Systems: Mac OSX
    • $99.99
    • Trial version: yes 30 day trial
    • Native support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • EditPadPro

    • Written in: Unknown
    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows
    • $49.95
    • Trial version: Nag screens, no spellcheck, no custom print headers
    • Native support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: no
  • E TextEditor

    • Written in: C++
    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows
    • $46.95
    • Trial version: yes, 30 days
    • Native support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: partial (TextMate bundle support)
  • Zeus Editor

    • Written in: Unknown
    • Supported Operating Systems: Windows
    • $89.95
    • Trial version: yes, 45 days
    • Native support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: ctags style
  • SlickEdit

    • Written in: Unknown
    • Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • Commercial version around $299, Academic around $39
    • Trial version: yes, 15 days
    • Native support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Turbo Ruby

    • Written in: Java
    • Operating Systems: Mac OSX, Windows, Linux
    • $49, Contact for Academic pricing
    • Trial version: yes, 30 days
    • Native support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
  • Vico

    • Written in: Objective-C, Nu
    • Operating Systems: OS X 10.6.6
    • $39.99
    • Trial version: yes
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
    • Uses TextMate bundles

Visual Studio Integration

  • Ruby In Steel

    • Written in: C#
    • $249
    • Trial version: yes, 60 days
    • Native support
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: no
  • IronRuby

    • Written in: C#
    • License: Apache License
    • Native support for Ruby
    • Syntax highlighting: yes
    • Autocomplete: yes
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