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Christian Wach edited this page May 17, 2022 · 19 revisions

About Tags

Available Tags

Tag Formats

Tags in post and page content use standard WordPress Shortcode format. Template tags have also been updated to use standard template tag parameter format in WordPress templates. These formats are not complicated - the following examples should be all you need to understand them.

Shortcode Parameters

Here's an example of a tag you might put into a post or page:

[geo_mashup_map height="200" width="400" zoom="2" add_overview_control="false" add_map_type_control="false"]

The tag is geo_mashup_map, after which any number of parameters are specified. Any parameters that are not specified will use a default value from the Geo Mashup Options. If the post or page has a location saved, single default settings are used, otherwise the global defaults are used.

Some parameters take ID values, here's a nice guide to finding those in WordPress.

Template Tag Parameters

To get a similar map in a template, use template tag syntax:

<?php echo GeoMashup::map('height=200&width=400&zoom=2&add_overview_control=false&add_map_type_control=false');?>

Note the 'echo' before GeoMashup. This is PHP for "display it right here", and as such is commonly used with template tags.

Template tags can take parameters as an array instead of a string, which is useful if you want to pass a variable value:

echo GeoMashup::map([
  'height' => 200,
  'width' => 400,
  'map_content' => $a_wp_query


Category Name

Inserts the name of the currently displayed map category, if any.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_category_name]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::category_name(); ?>

Full Post

For use with a global map created with the Map tag.

Displays full post content for the currently selected marker of a global map.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_full_post]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::full_post(); ?>


  • for_map - the name of the map this tag should work with. Required if the map has a name, otherwise uses the first map on the page.

List Located Posts

Inserts a list of all posts with location information.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_list_located_posts]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::list_located_posts(); ?>

Parameters: You can use query variables with this tag.

List Located Posts By Area

Generates a list of located posts broken down by country and administrative area (state/province). Country heading is only included if there is more than one country. Names should be in the blog language if available.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_list_located_posts_by_area]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::list_located_posts_by_area() ?>


  • include_address - true (omit for false). Includes post address when available.

Currently query variables do not work with this tag.

Location Info

Display information about the location saved for this item (post, page, comment, etc). Blank if the requested information isn't present for a location.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_location_info]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::location_info(); ?>

Accepted Parameters:

  • fields - Possible values: address, geo_date, lat, lng, locality_name, admin_code, country_code, postal_code, saved_name. The fields admin_name and country_name will work also, but be aware that this will trigger a GeoNames lookup the first name. Results are cached for subsequent queries. Comma delimited list of fields to print. Default is address.
  • separator - Text to print between field values. Default is a comma.
  • format - If supplied, used as a format template for output, similar to PHP's sprintf() format.
  • object_name - Possible values: post, user, comment. If supplied, used with object_id to display information about an object other than the "current" contextual object.
  • object_id - Integer ID. If supplied, used with object_name to display information about an object other than the "current" contextual object.


Inserts a map.

When the tag is in a located post or page, Single Maps settings are used by default. In a post or page without a location, Global Maps settings are used. As a template tag, this is the behavior inside The Loop. In all other locations, Contextual Maps settings are used. You can always change the default map content with the map_content parameter, such as [geo_mashup_map map_content="global"].

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_map]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::map() ?>

This tag has a lot of accepted parameters, so we'll categorize them.

Query Variables

These affect the objects that are selected to be shown on a global map. A bounding box query on a post map, for example, will select only posts inside the bounding box to appear on the map.

Some fields, like locality_name and postal_code, will only work if reverse geocoding is enabled and the target objects have been successfully geocoded.

  • admin_code - Code for an administrative area. In the United States this is the two letter state code.
  • country_code - Two character ISO country code.
  • exclude_object_ids - Comma separated list of IDs objects to exclude identified in combination with object_name.
  • limit - A maximum number of items to map.
  • locality_name - A locality name, usually city or town.
  • map_cat - the ID of the category to display. Accepts a comma separated list of IDs and IDs preceded by a minus sign are excluded, like the WordPress query_posts cat parameter.
  • map_content - global, single, contextual, or a WP_Query object. Overrides the default content of a map. The WP_Query object is only an option for the template tag, and will include only posts returned by the query on the map.
  • map_offset - number of posts to displace or skip over. Default is 0.
  • map_post_type - Possible values: post, page, or custom post types. A comma separated list of post types to include on the map. Default is "any".
  • minlat - Smallest decimal latitude for a bounding box query.
  • maxlat - Largest decimal latitude for a bounding box query.
  • minlon - Smallest decimal longitude for a bounding box query.
  • maxlon - Largest decimal longitude for a bounding box query.
  • near_lat - Used with near_lng and radius_mi to include objects near a point.
  • near_lng - Used with near_lat and radius_mi to include objects near a point.
  • object_name - Possible values: post, user, comment. The type of objects to include on the map. Default is post, which includes pages as a type of post.
  • object_id - Integer ID of a single object to include identified in combination with object_name.
  • object_ids - Comma separated list of IDs objects to include identified in combination with object_name.
  • postal_code - A postal code - ZIP in the US.
  • radius_km - Same as radius_mi, but takes a value in kilometers instead of miles.
  • radius_mi - Used with near_lat and near_lng to include objects near a point.
  • saved_name - The 'Save As' name used for a location.
  • show_future - true, false, or only. Includes future-dated posts. Default is false.
  • sort - Possible values: label, object_id, geo_date. Order can affect the category legend or listing tags. Default depends on the object_name parameter.
  • tax_query - a taxonomy query array in the format used by WP_Query. Currently only usable with template tags (not shortcodes).

Map Options

These affect the appearance or behavior of the map.

  • add_map_control - true or false. Adds zoom/pan controls.
  • add_map_type_control - Possible values: G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, G_SATELLITE_3D_MAP, G_HYBRID_MAP, G_PHYSICAL_MAP. Comma separated list of map types to include in the map type control. Not used by default (blank).
  • add_overview_control - true or false. Adds the overview control.
  • auto_info_open - true or false. Opens the info window of the most recent or link source post.
  • auto_zoom_max - auto zoom only up to the specified zoom level. Used with zoom="auto".
  • background_color - A Hex triplet RGB Color to use for the background before map tiles load. Default is gray, C0C0C0.
  • center_lat - decimal latitude. With center_lng, an initial center location for the map.
  • center_lng - decimal longitude. With center_lat, an initial center location for the map.
  • click_to_load - true or false. Activates the click-to-load feature described above. Default is false.
  • click_to_load_text - the text displayed in the click-to-load pane.
  • cluster_max_zoom - Integer zoom level. The highest level to cluster markers. Not used by default (blank).
  • enable_scroll_wheel_zoom - true or false. Enables the use of a mouse scroll wheel to zoom the map.
  • enable_street_view - true or false. Default is true. Enables the "peg man" on Google maps only.
  • height - the height of the map in pixels
  • load_empty_map - true or false. Loads a map even if the query for markers return no results. Default is false.
  • load_kml - url of a KML file. Displays the KML file on the map.
  • map_control - !GSmallZoomControl, !GSmallMapControl, !GLargeMapControl, !GSmallZoomControl3d, !GLargeMapControl3D
  • marker_default_color - red, lime, blue, orange, yellow, aqua, green, silver, maroon, olive, navy, purple, gray, teal, fuchsia, white, black. Default is red.
  • marker_min_zoom - hide markers until zoom level, 0 to 20
  • marker_select_info_window - true or false. Enables the opening of the info window when a marker is selected. Default is true.
  • marker_select_highlight - true or false. Enables highlighting of a marker when it is selected. Default is false.
  • marker_select_center - true or false. Enables centering of a marker when it is selected. Default is false.
  • marker_select_attachments - true or false. Enables loading of related KML attachments for a marker when it is selected. Default is false.
  • open_object_id - The ID of an object to select when the map loads. Replaces open_post_id in earlier versions.
  • remove_geo_mashup_logo - true or false. Removes the Geo Mashup logo from maps (this will be the default in future versions). Default is false.
  • static - true or false. Attempts to use the Google Static Maps API to create a fast-loading static image map. Currently limited to the normal map type with one marker color and style.
  • width - the width of the map. Use a plain number like 400 for pixels, or include a percentage sign like 85%.
  • zoom - auto or valid integer zoom value. Auto will zoom to include all loaded map content. Default is auto.

Control Parameters

These affect the content and behavior of controls that interact with map content, like the category legend.

  • name - name for this map. The for_map parameters of other tags is then used to tie them in with correct map in situations where multiple maps are possible.

Nearby List

List results of a radius search, centered on the current post by default. The default template is geo-mashup/default-templates/nearby-list.php - see comments there for instructions.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_nearby_list]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::nearby_list(); ?>


  • exclude_object_ids - Comma separated list of IDs objects to exclude identified in combination with object_name.
  • limit - A maximum number of items to map.
  • location_text - place name or address of search center. Not used by default.
  • map_cat - the ID of the category to display. Accepts a comma separated list of IDs and IDs preceded by a minus sign are excluded, like the WordPress query_posts cat parameter.
  • map_post_type - Possible values: post, page, or custom post types. A comma separated list of post types to include in the list. Default is "any".
  • near_lat - latitude of search center. Not used by default.
  • near_lng - longitude of search center. Not used by default.
  • object_id - the ID of a located object as search center. This object will be excluded from results. Default is the current loop object.
  • units - mi or km. Whether search using miles or kilometers. Default is km.
  • radius - number of units of search radius. Default is 50.
  • object_name - post or user. Default is post.
  • sort - Possible values: label, object_id, geo_date. Order can affect the category legend or listing tags. Default depends on the object_name parameter.
  • template - base name of template to use for output. Default is 'nearby-list'.

Post Coordinates

This is currently only available as a template tag which you can use to display the coordinates stored for a page or post. Have a look at Issue 134 for good examples of usage.

Template Tag: <?php $coordinates_array = GeoMashup::post_coordinates() ?>

Accepted Parameters:

  • places - number of decimal places to include in coordinates. Default is 10.


  • An array containing 'lat' and 'lng' entries, so in the example $coordinates_array['lat'] would contain latitude.

Save Location

This can be used to set the location for a post when the post editor location search interface is not available.

When a post or page is saved, the location is read from a special shortcode in the content. The location is saved, and the special shortcode is removed.

For now at least, decimals must be a period, not a comma.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_save_location]


  • address - a location description to geocode (address, partial address, place name, etc). Required if used instead of the lat and lng parameters.
  • geo_date - the date to associate with the location. A variety of formats will work. Defaults to current date.
  • lat - decimal latitude. Required.
  • lng - decimal longitude. Required.
  • saved name - if you want the location added to the saved location menu, the name.

Show on Map Link

Inserts a link for the current post or page to overall blog map.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_show_on_map_link]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::show_on_map_link() ?>

Accepted Parameters:

  • text - the text of the link. Default is 'Show on map'.
  • show_icon - true or false, whether to display the geotag icon before the link. Default is true.
  • zoom - the zoom level to start at, 0 to 20.

Tabbed Category Index

Deprecated, use Tabbed Term Index tag.

Tabbed Term Index

For use with a global map created with the Map tag.

Generates output that lists located posts by category in markup that can be styled as tabs. Subcategories are included in their parent category tab under their own heading. Click on post titles opens the corresponding marker's info window on the map. The map can show all markers, or just those for the active tab.

Additional CSS is required in the theme stylesheet to get the tab appearance, otherwise the markup will just look like a series of lists. An example is included in tab-style-sample.css.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_tabbed_category_index]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::tabbed_category_index() ?>


  • for_map - the name of the map this list should work with. Required if the map has a name, otherwise uses the first map on the page.
  • taxonomy - a taxonomy identifier such as 'category'.
  • show_inactive_tab_markers - true to show all markers, regardless of which tab is active. Default is false/omitted.
  • start_tab_term - the ID of the tab term to select initially. Default is the first term loaded.
  • tab_index_group_size - when set starts a new list element whenever this many terms are output. Default is off - a single group.
  • disable_tab_auto_select - true to start with no tab selected. Default is false/omitted.

Term Legend

For use with a global map created with the Map tag.

Inserts a table or list of colored map pins and the taxonomy terms they go with (category by default). Checkboxes will show or hide category markers on the map.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_term_legend]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::term_legend() ?>

Accepted Parameters:

  • for_map - the name of the map this category legend should work with. Required if the map has a name, otherwise uses the first map on the page.
  • taxonomy - a taxonomy identifier, limits the legend to only this taxonomy. Default is a separate legend section for each taxonomy included on the map.
  • noninteractive - true to create a legend with show/hide checkboxes. Default is false/omitted.
  • check_all - true or false, whether to add a check/uncheck all checkbox for each taxonomy. Default is true.
  • default_off - true to load with all checkboxes unchecked so all markers are hidden on the map. Default is false/omitted.
  • format - table, dl, or ul. Determines the HTML tags used for output: table, definition list, or unordered list. Default is table.
  • titles - true to add a taxonomy title for each taxonomy section.

Term Order

Order will now be alphabetical by default.

You can use one of the many plugins available to change the term order. Since plugins use varying additional fields for ordering terms, I've made a simple extension method for changing the sort field. Just add a define to your wp-config.php or theme functions.php:

define( 'GEO_MASHUP_TERM_ORDER_FIELD', 'menu_order' );

Other plugins might use 'term_order', 'custom_order', etc.

Visible Posts List

Generates a list of post titles that are currently visible on the map. Clicking the title opens the info window for that post.

Shortcode Tag: [geo_mashup_visible_posts_list]

Template Tag: <?php echo GeoMashup::visible_posts_list() ?>


  • for_map - the name of the map this list should work with. Required if the map has a name, otherwise uses the first map on the page.