Gentoo Lazy Entry — a metadata.xml
If you need a distro-agnostic solution, try upstream-ontologist!
- Crystal (Shards)
- Dart (Pub)
- Haskell (Hpack)
- Java (Maven)
- .NET (NuGet)
- Node.js (npm, Bower)
- Perl (CPAN::Meta::Spec)
- PHP (Composer, PEAR/PECL)
- Python (PEP 621, PEP 643, Setuptools)
- Ruby (Gem metadata)
- Rust (Cargo)
emerge app-portage/gentle
pip install gentle-mxml --user
You can track new releases using an atom feed provided by GitHub.
Patches and pull requests are welcome. Please use either git-send-email(1) or git-request-pull(1), addressed to
If you prefer GitHub-style workflow, use the mirror repo to send pull requests.
Your commit message should conform to the following standard:
file/changed: Concice and complete statement of the purpose
This is the body of the commit message. The line above is the
summary. The summary should be no more than 72 chars long. The
body can be more freely formatted, but make it look nice. Make
sure to reference any bug reports and other contributors. Make
sure the correct authorship appears.
Code style is whatever the almighty linters say, should be at least PEP 8.
You can join the #gentle
channel either on Libera Chat or
via Matrix.