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Tutorial for learning and working with Wavelets


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[I 2024-01-17 11:40:47.517 ServerApp]
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Wavelets are a powerful tool to analyze time-series data and find the base frequencies that are creating a complex signal.

Motivation and Background

Fourier Transform

Short-Time Fourier Transform

Sometimes also refered to as Windowed Fourier Transform


"A Practical Guie to Wavelet Analysis"

"A Practical Guide to Wavelet Analysis" (Torrence and Compo)


NCL Wavelet inputs: time series and significance levels

  • 1D array data with length N
  • mother wavelet: Morlet, Paul, DOG
  • dt: sampling time (time between each y value)
  • mother wavelet parameter
    • Morlet: k0 (wave number) = 6 (default)
    • Paul: m (order) = 4 (default)
    • DOG: m (m-th derivative) = 2 (default)
  • s0: smallest scale of wavelet, typically equal to 2*dt (twice the sampling time)
    • Morlet: s0 = dt
    • Paul: s0 = dt/4
  • dj: spacing between discrete scales, typically dj = 0.25
    • Smaller dj will increase resolution but increase computation time
  • jtot: scales (integer number), range from s0 (2dt) to s02^((jtot-1)*dj)
    • Max range set to smallest scale * 2 ^ ( (scale - 1) * space between scales)
    • Commonly, rounded to integer, jtot = 1 + log((length data * sampling time)/spacing between scale)/log(2)
    • (rounded to an integer) jtot = 1 + log((N*dt)/s0)/log(2)
  • npad: number of points (including padding) used for wavelet transform, typically a power of 2
    • Padding must be greater than/equal to length of data (N)
    • If npad > N, zeroes are padded to end of time series
    • Most commonly, npad = N (no padding)
  • noise
    • significance testing with noise
    • noise = 0 for white noise background
    • noise = 1 for red noise background
  • significance testing
    • isigtest = 0 for regular chi-square test (equ 18 in Torrence and Compo)
    • isigtest = 1 for time-average test on global wavelet spectrum
  • significance level
    • typically, siglvl = 0.95


  • 3D array (wave transform) with dimensions 2 x jtot x N
    • wave phase: 1D array jtot*N containing
    • mean: scalar containing mean of input series
    • stdev: 1D scalar containing STD fo input
    • lag1: scalar containing lag-1 autcorrelation of input series
    • r1: scalar of used in significance testing
    • dof: degrees-of-freedom for significance testing
    • scale: containing the wavelet scales used
    • period: contains the Fourier period corresponding to scale
    • gws: global wavelet spectrum
    • coi: e-folding factor used for the cone of influence
    • fft_theor: theoretical red-noise spectrum versus scale
    • signif: significance levels versus scale
    • cdelta: constant cdelta for mother wavelet
    • psi0: psi(0) for the mother wavelet


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