An application runner framework that uses a DIC to allow multiple 'tiers', to allow complete separation between routing, controllers and view tiers.
The real name for the "pattern" is breaking the execution of a program up into individual blocks. Each of those blocks can have their own set of dependencies.
This is why the 'framework' is called Tier, as it allows you to "arrange in layers" . Each block of execution builds up information to be used by subsequent execution blocks.
The documentation, such as it is, is available at
There is a skeleton application available here, which can be run with:
git clone
cd TierJigSkeleton/
composer install
php -S localhost:8000 -t public
Some of the tests depend on PHP's built-in server. This is run automatically as part of the test suite if PCNTL is availble. For debugging purposes, you may wish to run this server manually which can be done with:
php -S localhost:8000 -t ./test/app/public