This project is a port of Spring Framework's Petclinic ( to Rust and Axum, which is a simple CRUD webapp where you can keep a list of Pets and Veterinarians.
This project is aimed at showcasing how you could do:
- Cookie based server-side sessions
- Using Redis as a session storage mechanism
- Form based Authentication
- Integration with Tera templates for rendering HTML
- Separate DEV/QA/PROD configurations
- Live reloading of Tera templates in Dev
- Integration of session data with Tera templates
- Database access using Rbatis
There is a schema creation script for Mysql in res/schema.sql
Modify src/ to specify credentials for Mysql and Redis settings.
run with
$ cargo run
$ cargo run -- --env dev
Open the url http://localhost:3000 where you can login with username admin, and password admin.