This code is created with PlatformIO from Visual Studio Code, this code also uses C/C++ as the main language. In this project, there are other libraries from other authors such as TFT_eSPI, MFRC522, DFRobotDFPlayerMini, and OneButton. These libraries are very helpful to run this code optimally. This code is specific for ESP32 Wroom 32 or other name is ESP32 Dev Board / DOIT DEVKIT V1, if you use other board make sure the pins on the board are not conflicting.
You need to add the mqtt host, mqtt port, mqtt username, and mqtt password in the .env file. You can create an account at
const char
*mqtt_server = "",
*mqtt_user = "xxxxxxxxxx",
*mqtt_password = "xxxxxxxxxx",
Download or Clone this repository. After that you open it with Visual Studio Code, where visual studio code already has PlatformIO, if you don't have PlatformIO you can use the arduino application with a different configuration.
If you want to run this code, your first step is to build this code and make sure this code does not occur a problem, after you build this code, then you can upload this code to the hardware using USB TTL.
System: C, C++