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artpar edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 1 revision

Data Exchanges

Exchanges are internal hooks to external apis, to either push data and update an external service, or pull data and update itself from some external service.

Example, use exchange to sync data creation call to Google Sheets. So on every row created using the POST API also creates a corresponding row in your google sheet.

!!! example"Google drive exchange YAML" yaml Exchanges: - Name: Task to excel sheet SourceAttributes: Name: todo SourceType: self TargetAttributes: sheetUrl: appKey: AIzaSyAC2xame4NShrzH9ZJeEpWT5GkySooa0XM TargetType: gsheet-append Attributes: - SourceColumn: "$self.description" TargetColumn: Task description - SourceColumn: self.schedule TargetColumn: Scheduled at Options: hasHeader: true

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