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enabling features

artpar edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 1 revision

_config table


Setting Name Purpose
hostname used for identification as IMAP/SMTP server
jwt.secret used for signing the jwt tokens issue at login
logs.enable enable/disable the /_logs endpoint which streams live logs
encryption.secret secret used to encrypt data for storing in encrypted columns
jwt.token.issuer issuer identifier in the jwt tokens
rclone.retries number of default retries set for rclone related actions
imap.enabled enable/disable IMAP endpoint the life time of tokens issued at login
totp.secret TOTP secret used for CSRF token generation and 2factor token generator

Get value _config table API

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ADMIN_TOKEN>" localhost:6336/_config/backend/<>

Set new value _config table API

curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ADMIN_TOKEN>" localhost:6336/_config/backend/<> \
-- data "New Value"
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