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artpar edited this page Nov 25, 2020 · 1 revision


Actions are entity dependent APIs which you want to expose which may have an outcome of events. Most basic example is the login action which generates an oauth2 token as an outcome.

Use action to expose endpoints for your forms and processes. Here is an example of creating a "/action/project/new_task" API:

!!! example"New task action YAML" yaml Actions: - Name: new_task Label: New to do OnType: project InstanceOptional: true InFields: - ColumnName: description Name: Description ColumnType: label - ColumnName: schedule Name: Scheduled at ColumnType: date OutFields: - Type: todo Method: POST Attributes: schedule: "~schedule" title: "~description" project_id: "$.reference_id" - Type: client.notify Method: ACTIONRESPONSE Attributes: type: success message: Created new todo, taking you to it. title: Wait for it

!!! example"New task action JSON" json { "Actions": [ { "Name": "new_task", "Label": "New to do", "OnType": "project", "InstanceOptional": true, "InFields": [ { "ColumnName": "description", "Name": "Description", "ColumnType": "label" }, { "ColumnName": "schedule", "Name": "Scheduled at", "ColumnType": "date" } ], "OutFields": [ { "Type": "todo", "Method": "POST", "Attributes": { "schedule": "~schedule", "title": "~description", "project_id": "$.reference_id" } }, { "Type": "client.notify", "Method": "ACTIONRESPONSE", "Attributes": { "type": "success", "message": "Created new todo, taking you to it.", "title": "Wait for it" } } ] } ] }

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