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DarhangeR edited this page May 20, 2019 · 41 revisions

HWoW PQR 1.1.5 (Final)

  • Now all profiles use Drums of the Wild only for Resist buff; (But not Druid)
  • Change Buff sripts for all classes;

Class Changes:

  • Druid:
    • Healing Profile: some additional changes for better healing; Better healing on moving situations;
    • Healing Profile: fix problem with targeting enemy target for healing;
    • Feral Cat Profile: make changes for better dps on boss;
    • Balance: now profile use Moonfire when you moving;
    • Changed the buff logic that required items to be used;
    • Add Auto Raid/Party Buff function;
  • Hunter:
    • Fix AoE mode (switch between Aimed Shot and Multishot);
  • Mage:
    • Now DPS profile use Fire blast when you moving;
    • Add Auto Raid/Party Buff function;
  • Paladin:
    • Healing Profile: fix problem with targeting enemy target for healing;
    • Healing Profile: fix problem with focus target to continue action in rotation;
    • Now Retri and Healing profile cancel buff Righteous Fury;
  • Priest:
    • Healing Profile: some additional changes for better healing; Better healing on moving situations;
    • Healing Profile: fix problem with targeting enemy target for healing;
    • Changed the buff logic that required items to be used;
    • Add Auto Raid/Party Buff function;
  • Rogue:
    • Fix AoE mode;
  • Warlock:
    • Changed the logic of spells that create objects and which were created using Soul Shard;
    • Now DPS profile use Shadowburne when you moving;
    • Added Endgame Routine - for endgame warlocks with >85k haste;
  • Warrior:
    • Added Sunder Armor spell to spell table and combat routine;


  • Change Tree of Life script and fix it;
  • Add Undead Racial in all class tables for PvP;
  • Small Warlock changes;
  • Add Elixir of Empowerment & Lesser Flask of Resistance and make class cheking for using dat items;


  • Add Discord Chanel;
  • Completely done Druid profiles;
  • Small Additions to Warlock profiles;
  • Small changes in Rogue profiles;
  • Add Draenei and Dwarf Racial spells to table;

HWoW PQR 1.1.4

Finally, I can proudly say that this is the latest LARGE update of these profiles. They are fully compatible with Heroes WoW and any other fun 255 lvl servers.

  • Added Custom Function for all profiles;
  • Added Lots custom "engines" for all profiles;
  • Added Interrupt Engine + Spells for all profiles who can interrupt;
  • Major changes in code;
  • Added range check for all classes;
  • Now profiles compatible with all local client languages;

  • Rewritten Hunter profile - its up DPS by 12% (Compared with HWoW PQR 1.1.3);
    • Look NEW Specific commands on PQR Menu:

  • Rewritten Rogue profile - its up DPS by 13% (Compared with HWoW PQR 1.1.3);
    • Look NEW Specific commands on PQR Menu:

  • Rewritten Warrior profiles - its up DPS by 7% (Compared with HWoW PQR 1.1.3);
    • Writed Arms PvP profiles - its simple and just for fun/test;
    • AOE Profile deleted;
    • Look NEW Specific commands on PQR Menu:

  • Rewritten Warlock profiles - its up DPS by 5% (Compared with HWoW PQR 1.1.3);
    • Look NEW Specific commands on PQR Menu:

  • Rewritten Death Knight profiles - its up DPS by 5% and survival by 10% (Compared with HWoW PQR 1.1.3);
    • Look NEW Specific commands on PQR Menu:

  • Rewritten Mage profiles - its up DPS by 5% (Compared with HWoW PQR 1.1.3);
    • Writed Frost Fun/Test profil - its simple and just for fun/test;
    • Writed Arcane Fun/Test profil - its simple and just for fun/test;
    • Look NEW Specific commands on PQR Menu:

  • Rewritten Paladin profiles;
    • Look NEW Specific commands on PQR Menu:
    • AOE Profile deleted;
    • DPS UP by 5% and survival by 10% (Compared with HWoW PQR 1.1.3);

  • Rewritten Priest profiles;
    • Look NEW Specific commands on PQR Menu:
    • DPS UP by 25% and healing by 10% (Compared with HWoW PQR 1.1.3)

HWoW PQR 1.1.3

  • More improvements;
  • Cleanup;
  • Hunter:
    • Hold Left Alt for change Multi-Shot and Aimed Shot;
  • Add auto buff Donor Buff / Voter Buff or Blessing of Kings;

HWoW PQR 1.1.2

  • Fully update for Server Revamp part 1;
  • All cripts have correct scpec names;
  • Revorked Warlock profile;
    • Аdd new AOE mode;
  • Add Vigilance script for Warrior Proto profile;
    • Vigilance auotomatic use on Healer in your raid/party;

HWoW PQR 1.1.1

  • Add autotarget script;
  • Minor improvements;

HWoW PQR 1.1

  • More improvements;


  • More improvements;
  • Warrior Arms test profile;


  • Some changes for new server update;


  • Improve performance;
  • Make some addition for future;
  • Testing some PvP futures;


  • Revorked Shaman Heal profile;
  • Fix some errors;
  • Correction grammatical errors;


  • Fix some bugs;


  • Released Priest Heal profile;
    • Need more time for testing
  • More improvements;


  • More cleanup;
  • Fix Druid profiles;
  • Add racical spells;
  • Testing new totems logic and Horn of Winter logic;


  • Cleanup;


  • First part of Priest Profiles;
  • Shaman Profiles imrovments;

HWoW PQR 1.0.9

  • Released Shaman Profiles;
    • Enchantment MDPS - for multiple situations;
    • Elem:
      • Left Shift for enabled/disabled Chain Lightning;
    • Resto:
      • Focus target to use Earth Shield;
  • All profiles correct to ONE code "style";
  • Improve DK, Hunter, Paladin and Warlock Profiles;


  • Improve Profile usability;

HWoW PQR 1.0.8

  • Released Warrior Proto Profile;
    • Tank
      • Hold Left Shift for use Bladestorm
      • Hold Left Alt for use Thunder Clap
  • Improve Druid Tank Profile;

HWoW PQR 1.0.7 and

  • Released Mage Profile;
    • Fire (More inpovments in future for best DPS);
      • Hold Left Shift for use Flamestrike
      • Hold Left Alt for use Blink
  • Correction grammatical errors;
  • Fix Lay of Hands (Paladin Profiles);
  • Hunter Profile - Focus tank in target to autouse Misdirection;

HWoW PQR 1.0.6

  • Released Paladin Profiles;
    • Retri AOE and Solo;
      • Hold Left Shift for use Flash of Light + Art of War
      • Hold Left Alt for use Consecration
    • Prot - Specific commands:
      • Hold Left Shift for use Exorcism + Art of War
      • Hold Left Alt for use Consecration
    • Holly - Specific Function:
      • Focus target to use Beacon of Light + Sacred Shield (Best on Tank)


  • More improvements for future;
    • Add some spell and mechanics to Warlock Profile:
      • Curse of Elements;
      • Metamophosis: Immolation Aura;
      • Metamophosis: Shadow Cleave;
      • Metamophosis: Demon Charge;


  • Released Druid Bear Profile;
    • Specific commands:
      • Hold Left Shift for use Swipe;
      • Hold Left Alt for use Bash;

HWoW PQR 1.0.5

  • Released Druid Moonkin Profile;
    • Specific commands:
      • Hold Left Shift for use Force of Nature;
      • Hold Left Alt for use Typhoon;
  • Released Druid Feral (Cat) Profile;
    • Specific commands:
      • Hold Left Shift for use Swipe;
      • Hold Left Alt for use Rejuvenation;
  • Released Druid Resto Profile;
    • Specific commands:
      • Hold Left Shift for enter Tree of Life form;
      • Hold Left Alt for use Tranquil;


  • Small improvements Death Knight Profiles;
    • Specific commands:
      • Hold Left Shift for Pestilence;
      • Hold Left Alt for Death and Decay;
  • Small improvements Warlock Profile;
    • Specific commands:
      • Hold Left Shift for Rain of Fire;
      • Hold Left Alt for Shadowfury;
      • Hold Right Alt for Seed of Corruption;
  • Small improvements Hunter Profile;
    • Specific commands:
      • Hold Left Shift for Volley;
      • Hold Left Alt for Multi-Shot;

HWoW PQR 1.0.4

  • Released Warrior DPS MultiSpec AOE and SOLO PvE Profile;
    • Need more improvements for better performance of this profile;
  • Released Hunter DPS MultiSpec PvE Profile;
    • Hold Left Shift for Multi-Shot;
    • Hold Right Shift for Volley;
    • Need more improvements for better performance of this profile;


  • Small improvements Death Knight Profile;
  • Small improvements Warlock Profile;

HWoW PQR 1.0.3

  • Released Death Knight DPS MultiSpec PvE Profile;
  • Released Death Knight Tank MultiSpec PvE Profile;
    • In both profiles you need to use the keyboard depending on the situations.
      • Hold Left Shift for Death and Decay
      • Hold Right Ctrl for Pestilence

HWoW PQR 1.0.2

  • Released Rogue DPS MultiSpec PvE Profile;

HWoW PQR 1.0.1

  • Released Warlock DPS MultiSpec PvE Profile;

HWoW PQR 1.0.0

  • Released PQR for Heroes WoW Private Server;