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macmule edited this page Jul 4, 2023 · 28 revisions


The jamJAR postflight stores it's configuration in the preference domain.

This can be set via defaults, a plist or (strongly recommended) a profile.

This profile should be installed at the Computer level.

If any keys are not set, then the below defaults are used.


<string>secret category</string>
<string>%s %s has been installed</string>
<string>macOS Updates available. Click here for more details</string>
<string>No updates pending</string>
<string>Logout to complete pending updates</string>
<string>Latest version of %s is installed.</string>
<string>/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/Management Action</string>


This is the directory in which the log file is created, this is created via the jamJAR postflight after every run.

Prior to jamJAR 2.0: The log rotates at midnight & appends the date to the old file.

As of jamJAR 2.0+: The log rotates every 10MB, not archiving older versions.

Defaults to - string: /var/log


Requires jamJAR 2.0+

Name for the log file created in the dir specified in log_file_dir, .log is appended to the name.

Defaults to - string: jamJAR


The notification text to display when an item is installed, this requires 2 string placeholders (%s).

These are then passed the following:

  1. Item Name (i.e. Google Chrome).
  2. Item Version (i.e. 56.0.2924.87).

Defaults to - string: %s %s has been installed, where the first %s it the item name and the second %s the version.


The notification text to display when all pending updates have been installed.

Defaults to - string: No updates pending


Requires jamJAR 2.0+

The notification text to display when macOS updates are pending.

This leverages Manual Apple Updates in Munki 5

Also requires that the datajar_notifier is set to True and is deployed to macOS clients and that Munki has InstallAppleSoftwareUpdates set to True

Example below shows this workflow with a re-branded Notifier and Munki via munki_rebrand

Defaults to - string: macOS Updates available. Click here for more details


The notification text to display when there are updates pending.

Currently blocking apps or apps requiring a restart action will all trigger this notification.

Defaults to - string: Logout to complete pending updates


The notification text title.

Defaults to - string: jamJAR


The notification text to display when a jamJAR policy is initiated via Self Service & the title attempted to install is up-to-date.

This requires 1 string placeholders (%s), which defaults to Item Name (i.e. Google Chrome).

Defaults to - string: Latest version of %s is installed., where %s is the items name.


The path of the application sending the notifications.

If this is defined within jamJAR preferences but is missing, then no notifications are sent when a user is logged in. The only notifications will be from Munki status over the loginwindow.

Defaults to - string: /Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/Management Action


The bundle ID of the application that sent the notification, if using only terminal-notifier or Notifier, this should be /Applications/Managed Software (or whatever the path to MSC is, if using MSC).

Note, Jamf's Management Action doesn't use this.

Defaults to - string: com.jamfsoftware.selfservice


Boolean that determines if jamjar should use the datajar notifier for notifications.

With jamJAR 2.0+ this changes the notifications sent.

  • If any pending notification is to be sent for either macOS updates or other updates , a persistent Alert notification is sent.
  • Other notifications will be the banner, non-persistent notification.

(NOTE: If using Notifier you can set all notifications to Alert or Banner via a notifications configuration profile)

Defaults to - boolean: False


Requires jamJAR 2.1+ and datajar_notifier to be set to True

Set to False to have jamJAR only notify when more pending apple updates and installs are found than the prior run, where the default (True) notifies of pending apple updates and installs for every run.

Defaults to - boolean: True


Requires jamJAR 2.0+ and datajar_notifier to be set to True

Sets the title for the logout button shown in the Alert notifications.

Defaults to - string: Logout


Requires jamJAR 2.0+

If set to True, deletes the AdditionalHttpHeaders key in /private/var/root/Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls.plist

Defaults to - boolean: False