Database access with so called DB Objects (descendants of class DBObject) that mirror data table structure to your project
There is an example class DBChildObjectExample that is a descendant of DBObject. Before using DBObject descendant you have to open DB connection with and make some stuff:
DB::connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name, $db_prefix='', $db_encoding='utf8mb4');
DB::setClassNamespace("\\your\\namespace\\"); /* use \\ at the begining and the end of namespace */
DB::checkDataStructure("yourClassOne, yourClassTwo, andSoOn", true);
After that you can access a table with your DBObject descendant.
Some useful operations:
// Creating record:
$new = new DBChildObjectExample();
$new->name = "test";
$new->description = "A test record";
$new_record_id = $new->id;
// Accessing record:
$existing = new DBChildObjectExample("id = ?", $new_record_id);
if ($existing->isNew()) {
throw new \Exception('Object not found');
} else {
// Modify object:
$existing->description = 'New description';
If you need some special processing (like checking or filling data) you may override DBObject::fetch(...) and DBObject::write() methods.
- добавить параметр формата к DBObject->asString();
That's it. Have fun.