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SMS Appointment Reminder Demo using Twilio, Flask, Redis, and Celery for Queens VA Project in the Equalithon by Essteem


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SMS Medical Appointment Reminders WebApp
by Steven Yan

Setup Instructions:

  1. Clone repository and cd into the created directory
git clone 
cd sms-reminder-flask

  1. Create a virtual environment with a directory name venv:
python -m venv [directory name]

  1. Activate virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate

  1. Change into the app directory of the repo, and install prerequisite packages to run Flask webapp:
cd app
pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Copy env.example file to .env and fill in the listed values:
export SECRET_KEY = 'your_secret_key'
export CELERY_BROKER_URL = redis://localhost:6379
export CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = redis://localhost:6379

export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID = 'your_twilio_account_sid'
export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN = 'your_twilio_auth_token'

  1. Create Flask application variables:
export FLASK_APP =
export FLASK_ENV = development

  1. Run the migrations:
flask db upgrade

  1. Install Docker Desktop and start a Redis server to serve as a broker for Celery tasks:
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 redis:latest

  1. Start development server:
flask run

  1. Create another virtual environment to send reminders with a separate Celery worker process:
cd ..
python3 -m venv env

  1. Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Activate Flask development environment:
export FLASK_ENV = development

  1. Start the Celery worker:
celery -A tasks.celery worker -l info

Project Description:

Here are the challenges presented from client:

  • Easily lose track of postcard reminders
  • Manual entry of appointments into calendar
  • Different levels of computer literacy for veterans

Here are our proposed solutions:

  • Needs calendar integration (ICS universal for all phones)
  • Develop webapp for provider
  • Develop mobile app for patient
  • Automated SMS reminder system for non-tech savvy veterans

Provider End:

  • Develop web application to interact with hospital server to send and receive relevant informatio through APIs
  • Without technical details from VA, we created an interfacce for manual entry of patient appointmnets using a SQLAlchemy database within Flask microframework
  • Customize SMS reminders according to the following actions:
    • confirmed
    • rescheduled
    • modified
    • canceled
    • no showed

Patient End:

  • Use Twilio platform to send and receive SMS messages
  • Patients will receive an initial text after booking their appointment
  • They will have capability to respond to SMS to receive ICS file for easy integration
    • Currently iPhone have capability to create calendar events from any SMS with time details, but Android requires additional software
  • At a default of 48 hours prior, patient will receive second SMS reminder to confirm or cancel appointmnet
    • reminder time adjustable to different intervals


Index Page:

New Appointment Page:

Sample SMS Reminders:


Folder Structure:

├──					<- top-level document for explaining project
├── _app							<- folder of Flask application
│   ├── _config					<- notebook for displaying augmentations
│   ├── _forms					<- folder of forms scripts
│   ├── _migrations			<- notebook for pretrained models
│   ├── _models					<- folder of models script
│   ├── _static					<- folder of CSS, Javascript, and image files
│   ├── _templates				<- folder of HTML files
│   ├── _views					<- folder of views script
│   ├──		<- script for defining routes and application
│   ├──			<- script for SQLAlchemy database
│   ├── dev.sqlite				<- database file
│   ├── Procfile				<- file for Heroku deployment
│   ├──			<- script for initiating application
│   ├── requirements.txt		<- file for Heroku deployment
│   └──				<- script for running Celery tasks
├── _docs							<- folder of project documentation
└── _images						<- folder of jpeg and png files

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SMS Appointment Reminder Demo using Twilio, Flask, Redis, and Celery for Queens VA Project in the Equalithon by Essteem








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