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Do you recommend a specific IDE for javascript development?

davidjnelson edited this page Aug 27, 2012 · 2 revisions

I wholeheartedly recommend using Jetbrains IntelliJ Premium Edition.

I used to use eclipse, but far prefer IntelliJ for these reasons:

  • javascript intellisense auto completion works. this will save fingers TONS of time typing / copy-pasting variable names. this is HUGE. This never seems to work for me in eclipse.
  • javascript refactoring support. This is HUGE.
  • javascript 'Go To Declaration' works. This is HUGE.
  • Fantastic support for static analysis / code quality for javascript and java. I've barely scratched the surface of these so far. Highly useful.
  • syntax color highlighting is good, better than eclipse.
  • UI is more responsive than eclipse.
  • visual feedback when argument lists for method calls don't have correct number of required arguments passed

The webstorm IDE has all these features and only costs $49, if you only need javascript support.