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Releases: dbeaver/dbeaver


22 May 19:39
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            - Data editor:
                - Numbers formatting: digit group size option was added
                - Problem with unexpected change of timestamp values was fixed
                - Smooth scrolling on MacOS was improved (thanks to @Andrew0002)
            - Data transfer: XML format export was improved (encoding information)
            - SQL editor:
                - Results tab reuse behavior was fixed + new config option was added
                - Result logging was added for script execute task (thanks to @avandorp)
                - Redundant "Problems" view popup was removed
                - Keywords highlighting was fixed (problem with identifiers which start with underscore)
            - Diagrams:
                - Connected entities highlighting was added
                - Entities and columns search was improved
                - New diagram routing was added
                - Problem with unreadable comments was fixed (dark theme)
                - Export in SVG and Graphml formats was improved
                - Pseudo columns were removed from diagrams
                - Diagram re-arrange was fixed
                - Many minor bugs were fixed
            - Connections:
                - Creating connection from JDBC URL was improved
                - Opening connection using CLI was improved (extra option -save was added)
            - Preference pages: problem with small font size ws resolved
            - Linux:
                - Problem with workspace load was fixed on some
                - Problem with UI freeze in connection type editor was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - SSPI authentication support was added (problem with JNA library conflicts was resolved)
                - Read-only connections support was improved (restrict of DML queries)
                - Scheduled jobs management was added
            - SQL Server:
                - External tables metadata read was fixed
                - NTLM authentication support was fixed
            - Italian localization was improved (thanks to @andreagualandi)
            - Chinese localization was improved (thanks to @bianyun1981)


01 May 19:24
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            - SQL editor:
                - Problem with semicolon on a new line was fixed
                - Problem with client-side commands parsing was fixed
                - Error highlighting support was improved
                - Tabs close/confirmation behavior was improved
                - Script with multiple @set commands processing was fixed
                - Command for data export automation was added (@export)
                - Toggle comment command was fixed (thanks to @arvillion)
                - SQL script datasource association command was fixed
            - Data editor:
                - Value filter now shows total number of distinct values
                - Search for whole word was fixed
                - Custom filter value save was fixed
            - Spatial viewer
                - Ability to select spatial objects on map and data grid was added
                - Default zoom level option was added
            - Data transfer:
                - Default data type mapping was improved (especially for char/varchar columns)
                - Multi-table transfer now opens all target tables
                - Database restore task now requires additional confirmation
                - Output folder parameter now supports additional variables
                - Import task UI was fixed (problem with lost target tables configuration)
                - SQL export format now supports append mode
            - Navigator: database selector popup was fixed (null pointer error)
            - SSH: problem with connections and corrupted known_hosts file was resolved
            - CLI: parameter "create" was fixed for connection opened using -con parameter
            - Windows: DBeaver now supports workspaces on network paths (e.g. \\network-share\workspace)
            - MacOS: problem with UI freeze after data edit was fixed
            - DB2 i: keys and foreign keys metadata read was fixed
            - MySQL:
                - Generate SQL for geometry data types was fixed
                - Permission editor was fixed (problem with duplicated permissions)
                - Problem with decimal data types with zerofill flag was fixed
                - UPDATE SET replace method was added
            - Netezza: table rename SQL was fixed
            - Oracle: table partition metadata read was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Problem with SQL generation and JSONB columns was fixed
                - View column edit support was added
                - Default driver version was changed to 42.2.25 due to security reasons
            - SQLite: connection settings dialog UI was fixed (Open and Create buttons behavior)
            - SQL Server:
                - Money data type support was fixed
                - Connection settings dialog was redesigned
            - A lot of minor fixes in application localization


17 Apr 20:15
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            - Data transfer:
                - "Append to existing file" feature was improved (for CSV, TXT and XLSX formats)
                - Export wizard now loads saved properties on demand
                - Export of result set with reordered/hidden columns was fixed
                - Export in SQL format: "split on multiple files" now works correctly
                - Task execution notification was improved
                - SQL script tasks support was fixed (NullPointer error was resolved)
                - Export of many tables into a single target table was fixed
                - Import from CSV was fixed (problem with null handling was resolved)
                - Trim whitespaces option was added for CSV import
                - Table columns mapping UI was fixed on MacOS
            - SQL editor:
                - Error position information was added in error messages
                - Query error highlighting was improved
            - Database navigator:
                - Support of databases with bug number of schemas was improved
                - Column grouping now shows number of grouped elements
                - Auto-completion was improved in properties editor
            - General:
                - DBeaver now shows EULA on start (one time)
                - Problem with workspaces on network paths was resolved
                - Kerberos configuration load was fixed on RHEL
            - Apache Phoenix: connectivity problem was fixed by setting proper driver version
            - CockroachDB: ROWID columns support was added
            - DB2 i:
                - Sequences support was added
                - View definitions read was implemented
                - Unique and check constraints support was added
                - Multiple minor improvements in metadata read were added
            - Exasol: search in view/procedure source code was implemented
            - MySQL: problem with table lock during database dump was fixed
            - Oracle:
                - View source code edit was fixed (problem with view comments was resolved)
            - PostgreSQL:
                - pg_dump and pg_restore version was upgraded (to PG 14)
                - Script execute task now shows all script errors
            - Snowflake: support of LIMIT for custom SQL queries was added (affects performance)
            - Italian localization was significantly improved (thanks to @capitanfuturo)


03 Apr 18:53
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            - Data editor:
                - Option "show whitespaces" was added
                - Columns reordering in data filter dialog was fixed
                - Line numbers were added to plaintext view
            - SQL editor:
                - Script error visualization is not configurable
                - Block statements (BEGIN, IF, CASE) auto-close was improved
                - Auto-completion was fixed for INSERT queries
                - "Cancel active query" command was added
                - Filtering of aliased columns was fixed
                - Problem with DML queries re-execution on connection lost was fixed
                - Python source code format was added to Copy As command
                - "Hippie" auto-completion was disabled by default (due to performance problems)
                - SQL commands parser/navigation was fixed (thanks to @arvillion)
                - Parameter bindings dialog was disabled for long strings (like $$)
                - CASE/WHEN formatting was fixed
            - Driver editor:
                - Driver description editor was fixed
                - Maven artifacts version resolution was improved
            - Data transfer: recreate table mapping support was fixed (saved configuration and tasks)
            - SSH tunnels: connection timeout/keep-alive parameters change was fixed
            - MacOS: problem with application launch was fixed (problem with plist file modification)
            - Dark theme: buttons UI now matches OS theme
            - Apache Druid, Apache Kylin:
                - Table data read was fixed
                - Data type properties were fixed
                - Indexes read was fixed
            - Azure Databricks driver was added
            - Clickhouse: array data type editor was implemented
            - DB2: query terminator redefine support was added
            - H2:
                - System views DDL generation was fixed
                - Geometry data type rendering in new H2 driver was fixed (thanks to @ebocher)
            - MySQL: functions execute was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Nested arrays editor was implemented
                - Functions source code generation was fixed (function signature)
            - Portuguese localization was fixed (thanks to @TiagoValdrich)


20 Mar 19:21
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            - Navigator:
                - Connection read-only state switcher was added in main toolbar/menu
            - Data editor:
                - Auto-refresh UI was fixed (stop on error visualization)
                - Array data types handling was improved (PostgreSQL, Clickhouse)
                - Invalid fractional seconds rendering was fixed
                - Filter panel is removed in non applicable presentations
                - Number of selected rows calculation was fixed
                - Row colors reset option was added
                - Edit controls enable state was fixed for plaintext view
                - Keyboard shortcuts were fixed in inline date/time editor
                - Next segment auto fetch was fixed for specific queries
            - Data transfer:
                - "Ignore duplicated rows" option was added
                - Table mapping “re-create” support was improved
                - Skipped columns configuration save was fixed
            - SQL editor:
                - Data filter injection for custom SQL queries was improved
                - Transaction monitor was fixed (amount of statements in a transaction)
            - Tasks: task ordering was fixed (folders on top)
            - Command line: possibility to specify external variables file was added
            - MySQL: indexes edit support was added
            - Oracle:
                - Sequences DDL tab was added
                - Scheduler jobs metadata read was fixed
                - Arrays presentation was improved (numbers formatting was fixed)
                - Materialized view save was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - View source editor was fixed (redundant 'create or replace' clause was removed)
                - Template databases are now visible is specified in connection settings
                - Server version < 8 support was improved
                - Saved backup/restore tasks UI was fixed
            - Redshift: search in procedure definition was fixed
            - Vertica:
                - Metadata performance was significantly improved
                - Table/column comments are now read in lazy mode


06 Mar 19:29
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            Changes since 21.3.5:
            - Data transfer:
                - Table recreate mapping type was added
                - Table selector dialog now supports filters configuration
                - Variables configuration for data transfer tasks was fixed
                - Variables auto-complete was fixed in output file name
                - Custom data formatting now applied for TXT export format
                - Insert statement now supports DEFAULT clause for empty list of columns
            - Data editor:
                - Row count calculation query was fixed
                - Rows scrolling was disabled for data modifying queries
                - Problem with editor focus after new row add was fixed
                - Column value filter was fixed (wrong SQL query)
            - SQL editor:
                - Parameters binding dialog was improved (multiline editor was added, keyboard shortcuts were fixed)
                - Filtering and ordering by columns with aliases was fixed
                - Problem with cursor jump to script end was fixed
                - Script selector popup was fixed (issue with datasource association)
                - Script task execute was fixed (for connections without default database)
            - DDL generator: option to generate FKs as separate statements was added
            - Metadata search: search by LIKE pattern was fixed
            - Session manager UI was fixed (multiline cells on Linux, background color for connection type)
            - Interface language now can be changed in preferences (for MacOS and Linux installers)
            - SSH: option to disable host name validation was added
            - Local clients configuration load was fixed (MySQL and PostgreSQL derived drivers)
            - Azure SQL server: view definition read was fixed
            - Clickhouse: read-only connections support was improved
            - H2:
                - Driver configuration for version 2.x was added
                - Check constraints support was added
                - Unique keys support was added
            - MySQL: new view creation was fixed (DDL)
            - Oracle:
                - Metadata read performance was significantly increased
                - Case-sensitive navigator filters support was fixed
            - Snowflake: custom authentication configuration option was fixed
            - SQLite: sequences read was fixed
            - SQL Server: open database object dialog now respects selected database
            - Italian localization was improved (thanks to @capitanfuturo)
            - Many minor UI bugs were fixed


20 Feb 19:17
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            - SQL editor:
                - Problems with app freeze on very complex queries executing was fixed
                - Parameters binding dialog now supports multiline editor
                - Script selector panel UI was fixed
                - New scripts now position cursor to the end of script
            - Data editor:
                - Columns drag-n-drop support was fixed (Linux)
                - Dictionary table editor now supports default column names customization
                - Connection-specific data formatting settings save was fixed
            - Metadata editor:
                - Table DDL is now auto-updated after new table editing
            - Navigator:
                - Bug with connection element expansion during connect was fixed
                - Table statistics refresh was fixed
                - Columns configuration (visibility, size, order) save/load was improved
                - "Expand on connect" now expands both database and schema
                - Column reordering now supports multiple columns
            - SSH: known_hosts support and validation of target host before connect were added
            - Various database tools: NullPointer error in task wizard was fixed
            - Data transfer: table re-create option was added
            - Clickhouse: problem with access to read-only connections was fixed
            - Firebird: columns autoincrement option editor was added
            - Generic driver: ClassCast error during connection instantiation was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Event triggers support was added
                - Greenplum, EDB: local clients configuration was added
                - Google Cloud driver support was fixed (driver dependencies)
                - Functions signature now include out parameters
                - GIS viewer for columns in complex data types ws fixed
                - CIDR data type support was added
                - Deferrable foreign keys create was fixed
            - SQL Server Synapse support was improved (metadata reading)
            - Trino: problem with corrupted navigator tree after long connect was fixed
            - New drivers: Denodo driver configuration was added (thanks to @scruz-denodo)


06 Feb 18:33
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            - Data editor:
                - Row fetch size now can be set to a small value (up to 1 row)
                - Search in data grid with enabled numbers formatting now works properly
                - Date/time editor calendar presentation now shows proper error messages
                - Data loss on resultset scrolling confirmation was added
                - Option to highlight selected cell value was added
                - Value view panel now supports shortcuts to switch between data formats (configurable)
            - SQL editor:
                - Bug with missing resultset tab focus was fixed
                - Script selector panel now supports "All connections" mode
            - Data transfer:
                - Export of columns of composite data types support was added
                - Popup message boxes were replaced with task bar notifications
            - Navigator tree: database object comments render was added (configurable)
            - BLOB/binary editor: problem with changes saving in hex editor was fixed
            - Dashboard view: problem with memory leaks was resolved
            - Auto-close of idle connections option was added (configurable)
            - Driver editor: Maven artifacts settings save/load was fixed
            - Bug with empty editor tabs after restart was fixed
            - Redundant logging during connection context menu opening was fixed
            - New database drivers:
                - Apache Calcite Avatica
                - Apache Druid
                - Apache Kylin
            - Clickhouse:
                - New driver was added. Old driver was renamed to Legacy.
                - LIMIT clause support was added for data read queries
            - Exasol: execution plan save/load was implemented
            - MySQL/MariaDB: permission editor was redesigned, grant option support was fixed
            - MariaDB:
                - New driver (3.x) support was added
                - Packages and sequences support was added
            - Oracle:
                - Table constraints load performance was significantly increased (thanks to @skybber)
                - PL/SQL syntax support was improved (packages and procedures parser was fixed)
                - WITH clause parser was improved
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Identifiers quoting was added for table DDL
                - Database backup now supports "drop if exists" option
                - Row replace method "ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE" support was fixed
            - Redshift:
                - New view create was fixed
                - Driver version was updated to 2.1
            - Generic driver now support sequences and synonyms edit/rename
            - Japanese localization was improved (thanks to @yoshinorin)
            - Several minor UI bugs were fixed


23 Jan 18:45
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            - Data editor:
                - Date/time editor now supports calendar-like UI
                - Column names quoting was fixed in filter clauses
                - Filter for array columns was fixed
                - Gis viewer: SRID switch behavior was fixed
                - Save/cancel button are now disabled during data save process
                - Column filter now uses exact match for numeric values
                - Status message now shows execute timestamp
                - Advanced copy now respects quoted column names
            - SQL Editor:
                - Multiple result tabs refresh was fixed
                - Import file now supports multiple files selection
                - Client-side commands (@set, @include) parser was fixed
                - Auto-completion fix for SELECT .. INTO queries
                - Auto-completion now uses "hippie" completion algorithm by default
                - Copy as source code: Delphi format was fixed
                - "Copy selected query" command was added
                - Variables and parameters deletion was improved
                - SQL formatting was fixed (redundant empty lines eliminated)
                - Tab context menu was improved (additional items were added)
                - Code folding restore was fixed
            - Data transfer:
                - XLSX import was improved (problem with column mapping was fixed)
                - Import from CSV now uses approximate column length calculation
                - Append to file mode was fixed
            - Navigator: tree state loading was fixed
            - SSH tunnel:
                - Advanced tunnel configuration UI was improved (window auto-resize)
                - Tunnel test dialog now supports test interruption
                - Private key configuration was fixed for jump servers
            - Task execute status now shows more detailed information
            - Eclipse plugin: history navigation shortcuts support was fixed
            - MacOS: application termination on detached window close was fixed
            - Localizations:
                - Simplified Chinese localization was significantly updated (thanks to @bianyun1981)
                - Italian localization was updated (thanks to @capitanfuturo)
                - Japanese localization was fixed and updated (thanks to @yoshinorin)
            - Oracle: native quoting parser was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Error (NullPointerException) in explain execution plan was fixed
                - Role DDL was fixed (connection limit)
            - SAP HANA: hyperlink navigation ws fixed
            - SQL Server:
                - Database metadata read fix (problem with is_external column)


26 Dec 20:11
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            - Data editor:
                - Auto-completion was fixed in filters panel
                - XML auto-format was fixed (elements sort was disabled)
                - Filter by column with alias was fixed
                - Numeric type transformer was fixed
                - Extra tab close action were added (close to the left/right)
                - Arrays presentation in record view was fixed
            - Files drag-n-drop (between DBeaver and OS file explorer) support was added in the project explorer
            - SQL editor: "hippie" auto-completion support was added (beta)
            - SSHJ implementation now included in DBeaver Community by default
            - Problem with DBeaver crash was fixed (when workspace path contains spaces)
            - Driver management:
                - New Java11 modules were added to support new JDBC drivers (
                - Drivers copying was fixed (keep advanced driver settings)
                - Maven artifacts edit dialog was fixed
            - Data transfer:
                - CSV parser performance was significantly improved
                - Identifiers case configuration was added in SQL export format
                - Option to append results to an existing file was added
                - Date formatting was fixed for JSON format
                - Variables support in saved tasks was fixed
                - Support of arrays import from CSV was added
                - Problem with export wizard buttons enablement was fixed
            - Session manager: column grouping was added
            - Command line support: default connection now set for opened SQL scripts
            - SalesForce driver was added
            - AWS Athena: driver version was updated, problem with column filters was resolved
            - Babelfish:
                - Synonyms, sequences and triggers were removed from metadata navigator
                - Cross-database access was disabled, only default database is visible
            - Clickhouse: typed arrays support was added
            - Derby: check constraints support for remote server driver was fixed
            - SAP HANA: public schema presentation was changed (thanks to @kai-morich)
            - SQL Server: external tables support was added