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Releases: dbeaver/dbeaver


10 Oct 00:57
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            - Data editor:
                - "Hide all empty columns" action was added
                - References panel now has a button to open target table
                - Ordering by multiple columns was fixed
                - Filtering by spatial columns was fixed
                - URL transformer was fixed (original value edit is now supported)
                - LOB editor opening performance was significantly improved
                - SQL terminal now shows server output log
                - Column comments are now visible in record mode
                - Complex data types visualization was fixed for record mode
            - Data transfer: bug in CSV export with custom header format was fixed
            - SQL editor:
                - Problem with NULL column names in custom queries was fixed
            - Database drivers:
                - Problem with driver jars re-download was fixed
                - It is now possible to disable Windows certificate storage usage
            - Athena: driver version updated to 2.0.30
            - Clickhouse: datetime64 data type support was added
            - DB2: driver version was updated to 11.5.7
            - Exasol: user list read read was fixed (thanks to @allipatev)
            - Greenplum: prepared statements usage was disabled
            - MySQL:
                - Default database client was changed onto version 8+
                - JSON columns now can be used in filters and as keys
            - Oracle: schema full DDL was added
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Problem with missing primary key in new tables was fixed
                - Table DDL for partitioned tables was fixed
                - Role comments are now visible/editable
            - German localization was improved (thanks to @dan-schneider)


25 Sep 19:34
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            - Data editor:
                - URL transformer was fixed (for edit mode)
                - Grouping panel behavior was fixed
                - BLOB/CLOB viewer now shows smart warnings
                - NullPointer error was fixed in spatial viewer
            - SQL editor: "Open in new tab" behavior was fixed
            - Connections:
                - URL-based configuration support was added to PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Generic drivers
                - SSH user name is now optional (current user name is used)
                - SSH: problems with credentials prompt were resolved
            - Data transfer: columns auto-mappings was improved (case-insensitive search)
            - Diagrams: association creation was fixed
            - Metadata editor: schema refresh performance was significantly increased
            - Eclipse plugin: a lot of DBeaver-related warnings in error log were resolved
            - i18n:
                - Chinese localization was improved (thanks to @fengchao)
                - German localization was improved (thanks to @bulldog98)
            - Apache Hive: default schema detection was implemented
            - Clickhouse:
                - SSL connection configuration support was added
                - UUID data type support was added
            - Greenplum: proper client app name is now sent to the server
            - MariaDB: problem with data transfer was fixed
            - PostgreSQL: box data type support was improved
            - SQL Server: problem with sequence value selection was fixed
            - Vertica: default driver upgraded to version 12
            - Many monor UI bugfixes


04 Sep 18:35
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            Changes since 22.1.5:
            - Data editor:
                - Embedded browser (Edge vs IE) configuration was added
                - Custom data types rendering in record mode was improved
                - Console viewer toggle was fixed on Linux/MAcOS
                - Arrays view/edit UI was improved
                - Multidimensional arrays support was fixed
            - Data transfer:
                - Column auto-mapping was fixed for databases with different identifiers case
                - Problem with old configuration load was fixed
                - Statistics calculation was fixed
            - SQL editor:
                - Query parser was fixed (issue with single line comments in select items)
                - Screen coloring by connection type was fixed
            - SSH:
                - SSHJ now is the default tunnel implementation
                - SSHJ version was upgraded, ASN1 decoder was added
            - Connection:
                - Issue with double authentication in web browser was resolved (all drivers with MFA auth)
            - Clickhouse:
                - Boolean data type support was added
                - Issue with timestamp data edit was resolved
            - Firebird: overloaded procedures loading issue was resolved
            - MS Access: diagram loading was fixed
            - Oracle: password expiration warning was added
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Extra options were added to explain plan dialog
                - Data type constraints loading was improved
                - Data type DDL generation was fixed


21 Aug 20:04
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  • SQL editor: script to connection association problem was fixed
  • Data editor:
    • Major memory leak in data editor was fixed
    • Issue with grouping panel cleanup was resolved
    • Hex editor now respects read-only status of columns
    • Find/replace dialog now respects focused control
  • General:
    • Issue with connection configuration load and edit was fixed
    • Dialog buttons layout was fixed in different dialogs
    • Authentication profiles configuration UI was fixed
  • SQL Server:
    • View definition read was fixed for Azure databases
    • nvarchar/nchar column length detection was fixed
  • MySQL: issue with numeric schema names was fixed
  • Oracle:
    • Trigger DDL was fixed (CREATE keyword)
    • Data type DDL generation was fixed
  • PostgreSQL: filters for composite data types were fixed


07 Aug 20:42
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            - Data editor:
                - Dangerous operation detector was improved (delete ... returning)
                - Export of sorted rows was fixed
                - Status messages formatting and UI were improved
                - Filter by enum value was fixed
                - Collection editor was improved (UI in value panel)
                - Problem with statistics tab open was fixed
            - Console view:
                - Non-SELECT queries support was added
                - Errors messages are now printed in console
            - Driver editor: possibility to set property value to NULL was added
            - SQL formatting settings save and preview was fixed
            - Data transfer: task settings loading was fixed
            - Azure SQL Server, Babelfish: multiple databases support was redesigned
            - Clickhouse:
                - Table list load was fixed for older server versions
                - Data type mapping was improved for cross-database data transfer
                - Multirow insert support was added
                - 64-bit integers support was fixed
            - H2: table metadata and DDL read was fixed
            - PostgreSQL, CocroachDB:
                - Row security policy support was added
                - PgPass authentication now support SSH hosts and host redefine
                - Routines privileges DDL was fixed
            - General UI:
                - Default embedded browser was changed to Microsoft Edge
                - Properties editor: value save on focus change was fixed
                - Tip of the day dialog layout was fixed (thanks to @troizet)
                - Many minor UI bugs were fixed


24 Jul 19:24
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            - SQL editor:
                - Autocomplete of variables with prefix @ was fixed
                - Problem with columns aliases in grouping panel was resolved
                - SQL console text now can be saved as project script
            - Data editor:
                - Collection string representation was improved
                - Problem with data read performance was fixed
            - Data transfer:
                - Target table properties (such as engine, charset, etc) were added in import wizard
                - CSV import was fixed for files with invalid value quotation
                - Import from string to geometry columns was fixed
            - Issue in full text search wizard (NullPointer) was resolved
            - General UI: tab quick search was improved (find by substring, fuzzy search)
            - Connections: multiple connection mode was disabled for non-relational databases
            - Azure SQL: driver version was upgraded, problem with auth token refresh was resolved
            - Clickhouse:
                - Table engine and engine parameters (editable) were added to table properties
                - View code editor was fixed
            - DB2: dependent views can be excluded from table DDL
            - Oracle:
                - DDL tab was added tp scheduler jobs
                - New table column properties was fixed
            - Issue with Debian installer was resolved (configuration files mark removed)


10 Jul 19:01
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            - Data editor:
                - Arrays and structure data types visualization was fixed and improved
                - Console-like query results viewer was added
                - Support of column aliases in aggregate panel was fixed
                - Dictionary panel now supports pagination
                - Pinned columns scrolling was fixed (thanks to @troizet)
                - Binary/hex data viewer was fixed (crash on MacOS)
                - Major memory leaks in string editor panel were eliminated
            - SQL editor:
                - Parameters binding for DDL queries was fixed
                - Query error highlighting was improved (+now it can be disabled)
                - Query formatter was fixed (for identifiers starting from digit)
                - Compact formatter was improved
                - Issue with auto-completion of materialized view create/alter queries was fixed
            - Data transfer:
                - Target file name generation for custom SQL queries was fixed
                - Settings save/load was fixed for saved tasks
            - General improvements:
                - Dummy error messages after saving preferences were eliminated
                - UI was improved for non-applicable columns in metadata editor
                - Issue with main window minimize was fixed on MacOS
                - Many minor ui bugs were fixed
            - Clickhouse: issue with data editor was fixed
            - CocroachDB: sequences support was added
            - H2: schema sequences read was fixed
            - Hive: view source editor was fixed (issue with semicolon)
            - Kylin: dialect support was improved
            - MySQL, MariaDB: privilege editor UI was improved
            - Oracle: VARCHAR2 is now the default string data type
            - PostgreSQL: database refresh was fixed (issue with active schema mark)
            - Snowflake: issue with BEGIN TRANSACTION query execute was fixed
            - SQL Server:
                - Table DDL: issue with duplicated index declaration was fixed
                - Issue with GO delimiter evaluation was fixed (also for Sybase)
                - Database name proposal was fixed
                - Execution plan visualization was fixed


26 Jun 19:35
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            - Data viewer:
                - Arrays and multi-row data types visualization was added (beta version)
                - Excel like behavior for inline editor was added (shift row down, configurable)
                - Bug in grouping panel was fixed ("duplicates only" option)
                - Inconsistency of NULL value representation in calendar edit control was fixed
                - Bug with inline editor activation with double-click was fixed (gtk)
                - Bug with inline editor deactivation with single-click was fixed (macos)
            - Data transfer:
                - Export with "selected columns only" was fixed (wrong column mapping)
                - Target DDL generator now checks for existing non-table objects
                - Export in SQL INSERT format now uses proper table name for complex custom tables
                - Header configuration for CSV and TXT formats was added
                - Problem with super-long CSV files import was fixed (row number visualization)
            - SQL editor:
                - Generate DDL from resultset command was added
                - Re-execute queries from execution log was supported
                - Schema selector was fixed for databases which don't support schema change (Sybase, SQL Server)
            - Tasks:
                - Nested task folders support was added
                - Folders rename support was added
                - SQL script execute task was fixed (NullPointer error)
            - Connections: new connection name pattern now can be customized
            - SSH configuration page now has scrollbars on small monitors
            - Database full text search: page UI was improved, long lists paging was added
            - Metadata editor: columns auto-size command was added to the context menu
            - General UI: project configuration load visualization was added
            - Clickhouse: enum data types support was added
            - Derby: default driver version was set to 10.15 (to avoid Java version problems)
            - Netezza:
                - Default catalog selection was fixed
                - Old drivers support was added (thanks to @rosspb3)
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Constraints information pre-read option was added
                - Enum columns edit support was fixed
                - Representation of arrays with NULL elements was fixed
            - SQLite: view text edit support was added
            - SQL Server:
                - DDL for nchar and nvarchar columns was fixed (incorrect length)
                - Columns with aliases now can be edited
            - Trino: multi-row insert support was added


05 Jun 19:17
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            Changes since 22.0.5:
            - General UI:
                - Local timezone configuration was added in preferences
                - Connection type color now affects SQL editor panels
                - Tab selector (CTRL+E) now supports fast/fuzzy search
                - Project rename now updates project name in all linked views
                - Problem with navigator tree refresh was resolved
                - Preference pages now respects font configuration
                - Configuration popup positioning was fixed for low-res monitors
                - Problem with embedded dropdown editors  was resolved (MacOS)
                - Problem with application start on some MacOS and Linux installations was fixed
                - Read-only connections toggle was redesigned
                - "Copy object name" action was added to tab context menu
            - Data editor:
                - Color by range now supports foreground color customization
                - Problem with clob/json popup editors was resolved
                - Epoch time transformer now supports 4 more modes (thanks to @nodaki)
                - Grouping panel: problem with GROUP BY query generation was fixed for many analytical databases
                - Date/time inline editor UI was improved (thanks to @PILINING)
            - SQL editor:
                - Right click on a script text now changes cursor position
                - Part divider element visualization was improved
                - Confirmation was added for "Delete this script" action
                - Dangerous query execution confirmation configuration was fixed
            - DB2: procedure name auto-completion was fixed
            - HANA: procedures output parameters fetch was fixed
            - Netezza: case-sensitive user names support was added
            - Snowflake: database metadata read performance was significantly improved
            - Teradata: SQL query limit (TOP) support was added
            - Many minor UI bugfixes
            - New database driver: Apache Kyuubi


22 May 19:39
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            - Data editor:
                - Numbers formatting: digit group size option was added
                - Problem with unexpected change of timestamp values was fixed
                - Smooth scrolling on MacOS was improved (thanks to @Andrew0002)
            - Data transfer: XML format export was improved (encoding information)
            - SQL editor:
                - Results tab reuse behavior was fixed + new config option was added
                - Result logging was added for script execute task (thanks to @avandorp)
                - Redundant "Problems" view popup was removed
                - Keywords highlighting was fixed (problem with identifiers which start with underscore)
            - Diagrams:
                - Connected entities highlighting was added
                - Entities and columns search was improved
                - New diagram routing was added
                - Problem with unreadable comments was fixed (dark theme)
                - Export in SVG and Graphml formats was improved
                - Pseudo columns were removed from diagrams
                - Diagram re-arrange was fixed
                - Many minor bugs were fixed
            - Connections:
                - Creating connection from JDBC URL was improved
                - Opening connection using CLI was improved (extra option -save was added)
            - Preference pages: problem with small font size ws resolved
            - Linux:
                - Problem with workspace load was fixed on some
                - Problem with UI freeze in connection type editor was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - SSPI authentication support was added (problem with JNA library conflicts was resolved)
                - Read-only connections support was improved (restrict of DML queries)
                - Scheduled jobs management was added
            - SQL Server:
                - External tables metadata read was fixed
                - NTLM authentication support was fixed
            - Italian localization was improved (thanks to @andreagualandi)
            - Chinese localization was improved (thanks to @bianyun1981)