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Releases: dbeaver/dbeaver


12 Dec 19:46
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            - SQL editor:
                - Auto-completion for tables without alias was fixed
                - Script file name template support was added
            - Data editor: column filters edit dialog UI was improved
            - Resource manager: cross-project connection drag-n-drop was fixed
            - Task manager: task statistics read was fixed
            - SQL query generator: string values quotation was fixed
            - Driver manager: Maven artifacts import/edit UI was improved
            - Connection lock password support was fixed
            - Navigator:
                - Object filters now support backslash escape
                - Multiple minor UI bugs were fixed
            - DB2: table organization property was added
            - PostgreSQL, Greenplum, Redshift:
                - Permission editor UI was fixed (redundant GRANT/REVOKE commands merge)
                - Composite data types support was fixed
                - Execution plan rendering was fixed ("Parallel" scan)
                - Partition tables statistics read was fixed
            - SQL Server: column data type modifiers generator was fixed
            - SQLite: table foreign keys editor was added


28 Nov 19:12
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            - Data viewer:
                - Filters configuration dialog UI was fixed (MacOS)
                - Found occurrences highlighting was fixed (find/replace)
                - Problem with long columns resize was fixed
                - Problem with overlapping column icons was fixed
            - Diagram viewer: connections auto-layout was fixed
            - Problem with SQL script preview dialog was fixed on MacOS
            - Error "PKIX path building failed" was fixed on Windows (switched to OS certificate storage)
            - Dark theme: bug with mismatching colors was fixed on MacOS
            - Problem with missing file extensions was fixed (Windows)
            - Metadata editor: editor flickering after mode change was fixed
            - Full-text search now keeps original table filters
            - Broken projects auto-recovery feature was added (problem with missing .project file)
            - Legacy error/warning icons were replaced with new ones
            - Version auto-upgrade:
                - Incorrect package type detection was fixed
                - Incorrect architecture (M1/ARM/x86) detection was fixed
            - Driver editor:
                - URL template edit support was added for all drivers
                - Maven artifacts import/edit UI was improved
            - SSH tunnel test: system variables support was added
            - New database drivers:
                - Babelfish driver was added (thanks to @okeuday)
                - OceanBase driver was added (thanks to @LuckyLeoZZ)
            - Greenplum: permission editor was fixed for older GP versions
            - MySQL/MariaDB/PostgreSQL: backup/restore tasks create wizard was fixed (NPE)
            - ODBC: app crash on editor open was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Database structure was redesigned (all cluster-level entities moved to the top level)
                - Multirange data types support was added
                - Exclusive schema filters support was fixed
                - Support of JSON columns in unique keys was added
            - SQLite: table indexes create/delete support was added
            - SQL Server:
                - Auto-completion and hyperlinks were fixed in stored procedures
                - Browser-based MFA authentication was fixed (MacOS, Linux)
            - Taradata: driver version was updated to 17.10


14 Nov 19:28
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            - Data editor:
                - Spatial viewer now saves proper SRID for tables and columns
                - Find/replace for BLOB/CLOB columns was fixed
            - Metadata editor:
                - Navigator refresh was fixed
                - Schema-level index create was fixed
            - ERD editor: columns search was implemented
            - SQL editor:
                - Files copy into new project was fixed
            - Backup/restore wizard UI was fixed (MySQL and PostgreSQL)
            - Task wizard buttons enable/disable was fixed
            - SQLite: driver updated to version 3.36
            - Greenplum/Redshift: session and lock managers were added
            - MariaDB/MySQL: tables metadata load performance was improved
            - Oracle:
                - Full-text search for functions and procedures was implemented
                - Option "show only current schema objects" was implemented
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Foreign key settings edit was implemented
                - Array value parser was fixed
                - Roles names quote was fixed in grant/revoke commands
            - Snowflake: driver version was updated (fixes problems with MFA)


01 Nov 16:15
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            - Task management UI was redesigned for data transfer, admin tasks and SQL tasks
            - Data transfer:
                - Bulk load (COPY) support was added for PostgreSQL
                - Cross-database data type mapping was improved for PostgreSQL, Oracle and Sybase
                - Additional variables were added for file name patterns (${year}, ${month}, ${day}, etc)
                - Several fixes in data transfer wizard
            - Data editor:
                - Geometry values copy-paste operation was fixed
                - Gis viewer: object tooltips were fixed
                - Problem with invalid SRID was resolved
                - Copy from row above/below command was added
                - JSON function were added to virtual columns definition
                - Image viewer flickering was fixed
                - Row count calculation was fixed (bug with distinct select)
                - Composite data types support was fixed (arrays of composite type)
            - SQL editor:
                - New script template was added (configurable)
                - Tooltip for execution plan explain tab was fixed
            - Shared jar libraries confioguration was added
            - Navigator:
                - Quick filter value is now saved between application starts
                - Command line handler was fixed (problem with -reuseWorkspace)
                - Boolean editor UI was fixed (trimmed labels)
                - UI freeze during metadata editors re-open was fixed
            - Clickhouse:
                - Table statistics read was fixed (thanks to @den-crane)
                - SQL dialect definition was improved (extra keywords)
            - CockroachDB: query results limit was added
            - CSV, Athena: database metadata is now read-only
            - Redshift: geometry edit support was added
            - Snowflake: driver version is now hardcoded (to avoid problems with MFA authentication)
            - SQL Server: auto-completion for synonyms was added
            - Sybase: database statistics info was added


17 Oct 18:19
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03 Oct 18:57
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            - DBeaver for MacOS X for M1/Silicon/ARM was released
            - SQL editor:
                - Client-side command @include was fixed
                - Bug with hanging SQL parser on long queries was fixed
                - Auto-completion was fixed for a number of cases
                - Schema selector in SQL consoles was fixed
                - Statement text extraction was fixed in "block selection" mode
            - Data editor:
                - Expression parser was fixed in grouping panel
            - Navigator: database metadata refresh speed was significantly increased
            - Generic drivers: problem with wrong table schema recognition was fixed
            - Exasol: extra keywords were added to SQL dialect
            - HANA:
                - Begin/end blocks parser was fixed
                - Alter table syntax was fixed
            - Hive: backslash escape support was added
            - Netezza:
                - Table editor for non-default database was fixed (problem with wrong schema recognition was resolved)
                - Import/export to/from non-default database support was added
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Composite value editor was improved (for composite data types)
                - Version 13 support was improved (rare problem with data types metadata read was fixed)
            - Redshift:
                - Driver 2.x support was fixed (proper data types handle was added)
                - Table truncate command was fixed
            - Sybase: "Encrypt password" option was added to the connection page
            - Teradata: default schema detection was fixed
            - Windows installer: default install location was changed to current user
            - UI rendering for HighDPI monitors was fixed
            - Properties editor UI was fixed (possibility to delete custom property)
            - Tables UI was fixed for multiline cells (Linux)
            - Bundled Java was upgraded to OpenJDK 11.0.12


19 Sep 21:09
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            - Data viewer:
                - Boolean value render configuration was redesigned
                - Special format for "time/timestamp with timezone" types was added
                - Advanced paste: configuration dialog was added
                - Radix transformer was fixed
                - Numeric transformer was added
                - Geometry data type editor was fixed (Exasol, Oracle)
                - Value panel now saves last used content viewer settings
            - Data transfer:
                - Output settings configurator was fixed
                - External process execute was fixed (backslash escape)
                - Import from XLSX: column mapping was fixed
                - Database dump configuration page was fixed (Mysql, PostgreSQL)
                - Data load performance was improved (thanks to @deepaksenthilkumar)
            - SSH tunnel: jump server configurator was fixed (port number)
            - Windows shortcuts (lnk) resolution was added
            - ERD: columns sort support was added
            - Confirmation dialog UI was redesigned
            - Metadata search:
                - Search in object comments configurator was fixed
                - Search page was fixed for cross-database search PostgreSQL
            - Database session manager refresh was fixed
            - DB2: columns, procedures and functions search support was added
            - Firebird: calculated fields support was added
            - Greenplum: table DDL was fixed (unique keys)
            - H2: procedure aliases support was added
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Composite data type support was fixed
                - UDF parameters support was fixed
                - Foreign table comments support was added
            - Redshift:
                - External table columns metadata read was fixed
                - Char data type support was fixed
                - Timeout error recovery was added
                - Driver version was upgraded to 2.0
                - Geometry data types support was improved
            - SQL Server: cross database metadata search support was added
            - Vertica: metadata search and full-text search support was added
            - Linux installers (deb, rpm) were improved. App shortcut links were fixed
            - Eclipse 2021-06 is new base platform
            - DBeaver now requires Java 11
            - MacOS X M1 installer was added (beta)


30 Aug 08:20
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            - Data transfer:
                - Value binding mode switcher was added (affects performance)
                - Automatic columns mapping was fixed
                - Import from files/relational tables into document oriented databases was fixed
                - Column length detection was improved
            - SSH tunnel: jump server support was added
            - Tasks management view: task folders were added
            - Navigator: show tables from different schemas in a single list (optional)
            - Connection driver settings: problem with non-editable properties was fixed
            - Data editor:
                - Toolbar commands enablement handler was fixed
                - Detached text/binary editor was fixed
                - Row coloring: LIKE and REGEX filter value editor was fixed
            - SQL editor:
                - Extraction of queries from source code on paste: problem with line feeds was fixed
                - Multibyte unicode numbers handler was improved (app hang fixed)
                - Main windows title now shows proper information about the current editor
            - Greenplum: stored procedures auto-completion and navigation was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Multi-column foreign keys navigation was fixed
                - Auto-completion for quoted identifiers was improved
                - Active schema detection was fixed
                - Floating point numbers formatting was fixed
            - Redshift:
                - Data transfer performance was significantly increased (up to x10000)
                - Tables and procedures DDL was improved (security definer was added)
                - Stored procedures search and auto-completion was fixed
                - Timestamp value editor was fixed (in native date formatting mode)
            - Snowflake: driver configuration was fixed (JNA dependencies)
            - Many minor UI and database-specific bugs were fixed


16 Aug 07:57
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            - Minor UI bugfixes


02 Aug 04:21
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            - Data transfer:
                - Multi-row insert support was added
                - Data transfer performance significantly improved
                - Unnecessary commit/rollback in source connection were removed
                - Table/column name case conversion was fixed
                - Ambiguous column name mapping was fixed
            - Data viewer:
                - Data filter for enum data types was fixed
                - Data edit support for queries with joins
                - Row insert with default values support was added
                - Timestamp value render: timezone configuration was added
                - Value transformers: save last transformer configuration
                - Cell color highlight add/reset was fixed
                - Data refresh was fixed in multi-row record mode
            - MySQL:
                - TLS 1.0 and 1.1 support added
                - User password change was fixed
            - PostgreSQL:
                - Bit string editor was fixed
                - PG 13 backup/restore support was added
                - Column rename DDL was fixed
                - INSERT queries for OID data types were fixed
                - Composite data type edit was fixed
            - SQL Server: active schema selector was fixed
            - Several minor UI bugs were fixed