This package provides the standard xero functionality for syncing timesheets from your app to Xero.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require dcodegroup/laravel-xero-timesheet-sync
Then run the install command.
php artsian laravel-xero-timesheet-sync:install
This will publish the configuration file and the migrations.
Then run the migrations
php artsian migrate
This will add the following fields to timesheets table and create two new tables.
can_include_in_xero_sync tinyint(1) DEFAULT=0
units double(8,2)
xero_timesheet_id unsignedbigint(255) FK >-
id bigint(20) PK IDENTITY
xerotimeable_type varchar(255)
xerotimeable_id unsignedbigint
xero_timesheet_guid varchar(50) NULL # The identifier returned from xero
xero_employee_id varchar(50) NULL # may be redundant becuase its on the user that should be the polymporphic field. But saves a lookup
status varchar(50) NULL DEFAULT=DRAFT
start_date date
stop_date date
hours double(8,2)
synced_at timestamp NULL
deleted_at timestamp NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL
id bigint(20) PK IDENTITY
xero_timesheet_id unsignedbigint(255) FK >-
date date
units double(8,2)
units_override double(8,2)
deleted_at timestamp NULL
created_at timestamp NULL
updated_at timestamp NULL
Most of configuration has been set the fair defaults. However you can review the configuration file at config/laravel-xero-timesheet-sync.php
and adjust as needed
You will need to add this field to your fillable array within the Timesheet model. Will not need this if you are extending the base timesheet model as that has guarded [].
* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var string[]
protected $fillable = [
It is suggested that you also cast the can_include_in_xero_sync
as a boolean field in the Timesheet
* The attributes that should be cast.
* @var array
//protected $casts = [
// 'can_include_in_xero_sync' => 'boolean',
// ...
* Merge casts with the existing
public function getCasts(): array
return parent::getCasts() + [
'can_include_in_xero_sync' => 'boolean',
You should add the interface to the Timesheet::class
use Dcodegroup\LaravelXeroTimesheetSync\Contracts\SyncsTimesheetsToXero;
class Timesheet extends BaseTimesheet implements SyncsTimesheetsToXero
You should add the following trait to the Timesheet model.
class Timesheet extends Authenticatable
use XeroTimesheetable;
you need to implement these methods
In order for the timesheet row to be used / factored into sending to Xero the timesheets.can_include_in_xero_sync
needs to be flagged / set as true or value 1.
This needs to be implemented at the local app level.
Three helper methods are provided in the XeroTimesheetable.php
public function includeInXeroSync()
$this->update(['can_include_in_xero_sync', true]);
public function excludeFromXeroSync()
$this->update(['can_include_in_xero_sync', false]);
public function toggleIncludeInXeroSync()
$this->can_include_in_xero_sync = !$this->can_include_in_xero_sync;
The following routes are exposed by the package
| Domain | Method | URI | Name | Action | Middleware |
| | GET|HEAD | xero-timesheet-sync/preview | xero_timesheet_sync.preview | Dcodegroup\LaravelXeroTimesheetSync\Http\Controllers\XeroTimesheetPreviewController | web |
| | | | | | App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate |
| | GET|HEAD | xero-timesheet-sync/summary | xero_timesheet_sync.summary | Dcodegroup\LaravelXeroTimesheetSync\Http\Controllers\XeroTimesheetSummaryController | web |
| | | | | | App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate |
The package exposes some routes that allow you preview timesheets for a user
You can also view a summary of the timesheets for a period
There is a command you can run to update the Xero configurations from dcodegroup/laravel-xero-payroll-au
via Laravels scheduler
php artsian laravel-xero-timesheet-sync:update-xero-configuration-data
You should add it to your app/Console/Kernel.php
file to run it once a day. You could run it more often if wanted with the --force flag
* Define the application's command schedule.
* @param Schedule $schedule
* @return void
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)