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Remove deprecated VectorTools
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masterleinad committed Jun 4, 2021
1 parent 2fd0c22 commit 1d8bef0
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Showing 7 changed files with 6 additions and 2,533 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions doc/news/changes/incompatibilities/20210604DanielArndt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Removed: The deprecated specializations of VectorTools::integrate_difference()
and VectorTools::project_boundary_values_curl_conforming() have been removed.
(Daniel Arndt, 2021/06/04)
94 changes: 2 additions & 92 deletions include/deal.II/numerics/vector_tools_boundary.h
Expand Up @@ -385,8 +385,8 @@ namespace VectorTools
* where $\vec{n}$ is an outward normal vector.
* This function throws an exception if used with $H_\text{curl}$ conforming
* elements, so the project_boundary_values_curl_conforming() should be used
* instead.
* elements, so the project_boundary_values_curl_conforming_l2() should be
* used instead.
* @param[in] mapping The mapping that will be used in the transformations
* necessary to integrate along the boundary.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -548,96 +548,6 @@ namespace VectorTools
AffineConstraints<number> &constraints,
std::vector<unsigned int> component_mapping = {});

* Compute constraints that correspond to boundary conditions of the form
* $\vec{n}\times\vec{u}=\vec{n}\times\vec{f}$, i.e. the tangential
* components of $u$ and $f$ shall coincide.
* If the AffineConstraints @p constraints contained values or other
* constraints before, the new ones are added or the old ones overwritten,
* if a node of the boundary part to be used was already in the list of
* constraints. This is handled by using inhomogeneous constraints. Please
* note that when combining adaptive meshes and this kind of constraints,
* the Dirichlet conditions should be set first, and then completed by
* hanging node constraints, in order to make sure that the discretization
* remains consistent. See the discussion on conflicting constraints in the
* module on
* @ref constraints.
* This function is explicitly written to use with the FE_Nedelec elements.
* Thus it throws an exception, if it is called with other finite elements.
* The second argument of this function denotes the first vector component
* in the finite element that corresponds to the vector function that you
* want to constrain. For example, if we want to solve Maxwell's equations
* in 3d and the finite element has components $(E_x,E_y,E_z,B_x,B_y,B_z)$
* and we want the boundary conditions
* $\vec{n}\times\vec{B}=\vec{n}\times\vec{f}$, then @p
* first_vector_component would be 3. Vectors are implicitly assumed to have
* exactly <code>dim</code> components that are ordered in the same way as
* we usually order the coordinate directions, i.e. $x$-, $y$-, and finally
* $z$-component.
* The parameter @p boundary_component corresponds to the number @p
* boundary_id of the face. numbers::internal_face_boundary_id is an illegal
* value, since it is reserved for interior faces.
* The last argument is denoted to compute the normal vector $\vec{n}$ at
* the boundary points.
* <h4>Computing constraints</h4>
* To compute the constraints we use projection-based interpolation as
* proposed in Solin, Segeth and Dolezel (Higher order finite elements,
* Chapman&amp;Hall, 2004) on every face located at the boundary.
* First one projects $\vec{f}$ on the lowest-order edge shape functions.
* Then the remaining part $(I-P_0)\vec{f}$ of the function is projected on
* the remaining higher-order edge shape functions. In the last step we
* project $(I-P_0-P_e)\vec{f}$ on the bubble shape functions defined on the
* face.
* @deprecated Use the project_boundary_values_curl_conforming_l2() function
* instead of this one.
* @ingroup constraints
* @see
* @ref GlossBoundaryIndicator "Glossary entry on boundary indicators"
template <int dim>
const DoFHandler<dim, dim> & dof_handler,
const unsigned int first_vector_component,
const Function<dim, double> &boundary_function,
const types::boundary_id boundary_component,
AffineConstraints<double> & constraints,
const Mapping<dim> & mapping);

* Same as above for the hp-namespace.
* @deprecated Use the project_boundary_values_curl_conforming_l2() function
* instead of this one.
* @ingroup constraints
* @see
* @ref GlossBoundaryIndicator "Glossary entry on boundary indicators"
template <int dim>
const DoFHandler<dim, dim> & dof_handler,
const unsigned int first_vector_component,
const Function<dim, double> & boundary_function,
const types::boundary_id boundary_component,
AffineConstraints<double> & constraints,
const hp::MappingCollection<dim, dim> &mapping_collection =

* This function is an updated version of the
* project_boundary_values_curl_conforming function. The intention is to fix
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