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Genesis DAO features three ways of ensuring quality assurance via testing:

  • Unit tests on a per-pallet basis
  • Integration tests using an external substrate client to run against a docker container
  • Manual testing on the UI/Frontend

Unit tests

The unit tests are packaged per pallet.

While the suite is still under development all features submitted as part of a Milestone Proposal are fully tested.

From the root directory of the node, you can test all custom pallets of ours by running these lines:

cd pallets/dao-core && cargo test && cd ../..
cd pallets/dao-assets && cargo test && cd ../..
cd pallets/dao-votes && cargo test && cd ../..

Integration Tests

The integration-wrapper directory contains an integration test suite that is utilizing the subxt substrate client. The test cases are located in the tests folder - for the time being we have full integration tests for the dao-core module.

The integration tests are running against our docker container.

Steps to run it:

  • Run docker compose up to start a docker container with the node
  • Wait until all dependencies are installed and the node starts producing blocks
  • Enter the integration-wrapper directory and run cargo test


The user interface is available at The backend service documentation is available here. Our testnet node is available here.

Running the node from source

Compile & run the node by either

  • using cargo release --dev --features local-node && ./target/release/genesis-dao --dev
  • or running docker compose up

Afterwards navigate to to the respective port config on and test the intrinsics.

Running the interface from source

There are again, different ways of running this - with docker or without.


  1. Within the node directory run docker compose up and wait for the node to produce blocks
  2. Add the node to a local network using docker network create genesis && docker network connect genesis genesis-dao
  3. Run docker network inspect genesis | grep Gateway and add the IP address to the .env file of the frontend repository
  4. Run docker compose up in the frontend repository and visit the interface at localhost:3000

Running the frontend locally:

  1. Start the node by either compiling or with docker.
  2. Run yarn && yarn dev in the frontend repository and visit the interface at localhost:3000