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The fix function

The fundamental property of a recursive function is that it can call (refer to) itself. For example,

factorial n | n <= 0    = 1
            | otherwise = n * factorial (n-1)

But what if the function does not have a name (that is known within its body), i .e. the name factorial is not known on the right hand side? Well, this is what fix is for. It's a function with peculiar type and implementation,

fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)
   -- = f (f (f (f ...

that allows turning non-recursive functions into recursive ones. You may have heard of a function that satisfies this in untyped lambda calculus, it's known as the Y combinator. Unfortunately, neither type nor implementation are very good at telling you what this function does if you're not already aware of it.

The following will motivate the fix function using three different approaches. I hope that at least one of them makes it "click" for every reader.

Approach A: Intuition

Intuitively, I think this can be best be understood by analogy with a more explicit version. Let's rewrite the factorial example from above a little different:

factorial = go where
      go n | n <= 0    = 1
           | otherwise = n * go (n-1)

This makes factorial itself non-recursive by putting the recursion one level deeper down, in a helper function named go. And now it's ready to be transformed into fix form, which is simply

factorial = fix go where
      go rec n | n <= 0    = 1
               | otherwise = n * rec (n-1)

Oh wait, what just happened? go no longer is recursive, it instead has a parameter named rec. fix takes a function, and whenever the (first) parameter of that function is called, it refers to itself entirely. In other words, fix allows creating recursive from non-recursive definitions.

Approach B: Separating recursion

Consider the factorial function again, but written using let and if this time,

factorial = let go n = if n <= 0 then 1 else n * go (n-1)
            in  go

The code can be written this way because all definitions made inside let are visible everywhere in that let; in other words, Haskell's let allows self-contained recursion. (Other languages call this behaviour more explicitly letrec instead of let.)

Suppose the goal is separating the recursion from the rest of the program. We will do this in multiple small steps.

factorial = let go n = if n <= 0 then 1 else n * go (n-1)
            in  go

          -- Abstract over go and n by creating a dummy lambda with
          -- parameters rec and m. Note how applying this to go and
          -- n yields the previous definition again.
          = let go n = (\rec m -> if m <= 0 then 1 else m * rec (m-1)) go n
            in  go

          -- Since the parenthesis is now independent of go, move it
          -- to its own line.
          = let go n = f go n
                f = \rec m -> if m <= 0 then 1 else m * rec (m-1)
            in  go

          -- Drop the trailing n in go, rewrite the lambda parameters in f
          -- a bit. Now the recursion (go) is spearate from the other
          -- logic (f).
          = let go = f go
                f rec m = if m <= 0 then 1 else m * rec (m-1)
            in  go

          -- Finally, split up the let in two let blocks to emphasize the
          -- independence of the contents.
          = let f rec m = if m <= 0 then 1 else m * rec (m-1)
            in let go = f go
               in  go

And now all that's left is identifying let go = f go in go as a valid implementation for fix f, which you can verify via

fix f = let go = f go in go
      = let go = f go in f go
      = f (let go = f go in go)
      = f (fix f)

So the above refactoring becomes

          -- (continued)
factorial = let f rec m = if m <= 0 then 1 else m * rec (m-1)
            in  fix f

Separating recursion from other logic naturally yields fix.

Approach C: Tying the knot

Let's start in the reverse direction of the last approach. Begin with an almost right function,

brokenFactorial = \rec -> (\n -> if n <= 0 then 1 else n * rec (n-1))

which is not recursive because there is no way to reference itself. Instead, the "recurse" parameter rec was provided as a lambda binding. If we can somehow insert the entire expression into this parameter, we'd end up with a recursive function. In other words, we're looking for a function that does this:

unknown rec n = rec (unknown rec) n

And as you can probably already tell, this makes unknown = fix, yielding

factorial = fix brokenFactorial
          = fix (\rec -> (\n -> if n <= 0 then 1 else n * rec (n-1)))
          = fix (\rec n -> if n <= 0 then 1 else n * rec (n-1))

fix allows a function to refer to itself by calling its first parameter.


Basic functions

Here are a couple of examples, first written using (the probably more readable and more common way of) explicitly named functions, and then using fix.

-- n-th Fibonacci number, naive implementation

fibo = go where
      go n | n <= 1    = n
           | otherwise = fibo (n-1) + fibo (n-2)

fibo = fix go where
      go rec n | n <= 1    = n
               | otherwise = rec (n-1) + rec (n-2)

map f = go where
      go (x:xs) = f x : go xs
      go _ = []

map f = fix go where
      go rec (x:xs) = f x : rec xs
      go _ _ = []
      -- go was given its own name here for readability, but note
      -- that it is not a recursive definition.
-- Prelude.foldr

foldr f z = go where
      go (x:xs) = x `f` go xs
      go _ = z

foldr f z = fix go where
      go rec (x:xs) = x `f` rec xs
      go _ _ = z
-- Prelude.zipWith

zipWith f = go where
      go (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : go xs ys
      go _ _ = []

zipWith f = fix go where
      go rec (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : rec xs ys
      go _ _ _ = []

You can see where this is going: instead of making a recursive call to itself, a function with a "recursive" first argument is created that stands as a placeholder for "recurse here". fix then takes this recursive placeholder and makes it actually refer to itself.

Ad-hoc monadic loops

fix is sometimes used to create loops in monadic code:

fix $ \loop -> do
      x <- getLine
      case readMaybe x :: Maybe Int of
            Nothing -> putStrLn "Parse error, expected Int" >> loop
            Just n  -> return n

This reads an Int from STDIN, but recurses back to itself if the input wasn't right. This can easily be expanded to carry around some state, for example this counts the number of bad inputs so far:

(\f -> fix f 1) $ \loop n -> do
      x <- getLine
      case readMaybe x :: Maybe Int of
            Nothing -> do putStrLn "Input " ++ show n ++ " wrong, expected Int"
                          loop (n+1)
            Just n  -> return n

Monadic loops are arguably more readable than for non-monadic ones, since non-monadic code requires to keep track of a form of recursion state using a second parameter for fix' argument. In monadic code on the other hand, the states and effects can be implicit, so there's only code of the form

fix $ \loop -> ... loop ...

which quite plainly stands for "when you reach loop, restart after the -> again".