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Physics Laboratory 1

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Catania.

Experimental data, data analysis script and laboratory report written during the course of Physics Laboratory I (2021).

⚠️ wip

Repository structure

📂 Folder Experiment Esperimento Status
exp-1 Rotational Kinetic Energy Energia cinetica di rotazione
exp-2 Inclined plane Piano inclinato
exp-3 Air track Dispositivo di Fletcher
exp-4 Compound pendulum Pendolo fisico
exp-5 Pycnometer Picnometro
exp-6 Pendulum Pendolo su arco
exp-7 Heat transfer Propagazione del calore
exp-8 Simple Pendulum Pendolo semplice
exp-9 Viscosity Sedimentazione
└── 📂exp-n
    ├── 📂data
    │   ├── 📄datapackage.yaml
    │   └── 📄experimental-data-n.csv
    ├── 📂img
    │   └── 📄img-n.png
    ├── 📂report
    │   ├── 📄
    │   └── 📄report.tex
    ├── 📂script
    │   ├── 📄livescript.mlx
    │   └── 📄script.m
    └── 📄


Each exp-n folder has a data package.yaml file which contains metadata according to frictionless data standard.

Unit of measurement

Units of measurement (column uom) are represented by alphanumeric codes according to UNECE Recommendation 20. For more information visit the web page linked above.


Data, code and images are licensed under CC-BY 4.0.


Dennis Angemi

📫 How to reach me: