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@arnauorriols arnauorriols released this 01 Dec 14:11
· 33 commits to main since this release

deployctl 1.9.0: token provisioning, config file, and much more!

With the 1.9.0 release of deployctl, manual access-token handling is a thing of
the past! 🎉 Starting with this release, if a token is not provided via arg or
env, a new one will be provisioned using an OAuth authorization flow.

Additionally, several other improvements have been introduced to simplify the
user experience of the tool: this version introduces support for a config file
where some settings like project, entrypoint, include and exclude can be
configured and shared. This config file is created at the end of a deployment if
it does not exist yet. It defaults to deno.json (integrating with the rest of
deno CLI configuration), and looks like this:

  "deploy": {
    "project": "6067570b-ee11-4e2e-b7df-692d11e049d5",
    "exclude": [],
    "include": [
    "entrypoint": "main.ts"

You can continue to perform deployments using the --entrypoint and --project
flags (which now will create the project automatically during deployment if it
does not exist). However, we have introduced some heuristics to try and make
deployments even more simple. Now deployctl guesses the project name of the
deployment based on the Git repository it is in (or directory name if the
deployment is not performed within a repository). Similarly, it guesses the
entrypoint by looking for files with common entrypoint names (main.ts,
src/main.ts, etc), so that, most of the time, having your code deployed around
the globe can be as simple as running:

deployctl deploy

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: 1.8.2...1.9.0