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QT programs on Arch in Dark Mode

Der Beta Kevin edited this page Feb 2, 2023 · 1 revision

REMINDER: You can install AUR-Helper for your convienience I used paru.
Alternatives are: yay, pikaur, pamac, trizen, yaah, aurutils.
Unsupported alternatives are: pacaur, aurman, yaourt.


  1. sudo pacman -S qgnomeplatform-qt5 qgnomeplatform-qt6 adwaita-qt5 adwaita-qt6 --needed
    or paru -S qgnomeplatform-qt5 qgnomeplatform-qt6 adwaita-qt5 adwaita-qt6 --needed
  2. export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME='gnome'

The packages are:


  1. paru -S qt5ct qt5-styleplugins --needed
  2. export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME='qt5ct'
  3. Open qt5ct
  4. Set your Style to gtk2.

The packages are:

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