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Mark Chandler edited this page May 13, 2014 · 1 revision

Internal Links

Internal Links are used to send events between web browsers (including the one in Desura) and the Desura app it self


The links follow this format: desura://[action]/[sitearea]/[siteareaid]/[optional]

 * [action] is the event name (see below)
 * [sitearea] is the type of item being referred to (see [wiki:GeneralSitearea sitearea] i.e. mods, games, download, tool)
 * [siteareaid or nameid] is the item id based from moddb and can be its name or id number
 * [optional] is extra info but doesnt have to be included


 * '''install''': This commences the install process (of X branch or shortcut), or launches the item if it is already installed. Example: desura://install/mods/ACornyVouage/X
 * '''launch''': This launches a item with out prompt or starts the install process if not installed. Example: desura://launch/mods/ACornyVouage
 * '''upload''': This opens the upload form to upload a mcf file. This also checks to see if the user has permissions to upload for that item. Example: desura://upload/mods/ACornyVouage
 * '''makemcf''': This opens the make mcf form to make new archives. This also checks to see if the user has permissions to upload for that item. Example: desura://makemcf/mods/ACornyVouage
 * '''resumeupload''': This allows a user to resume the upload of a file to the Desura servers. It uses the optional parameter which is the upload key. desura://resumeupload/mods/ACornyVouage/ABCDEFGHI
 * '''test''': Test install the MCF file (new and old). Optional info is the branch/build number of the MCF (which is required!). Example: desura://test/mods/ACornyVouage/123/2
 * '''installwizard''': Trigger the install wizard
 * '''refresh''': Force a poll of the update server (optionally add background to have it run silently)
 * '''theme''': Points to the current active theme directory, i.e. data/themes/whateverthedefaultis
 * '''tab''': Jump around app tabs (play, games, mods, community, development)
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