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ElasticRoute for Python

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With effect from 02 January 2021, we will deprecate support for this client library and there will be no future updates. If you are currently using the client library, the integrations done based on it should still be able to work. Moving forward, we recommend the use of our API documentation (Dashboard and Routing Engine) to build your integration.

API for solving large scale travelling salesman/fleet routing problems

You have a fleet of just 10 vehicles to serve 500 spots in the city. Some vehicles are only available in the day. Some stops can only be served at night. How would you solve this problem?

You don't need to. Just throw us a list of stops, vehicles and depots and we will do the heavy lifting for you. Routing as a Service!


We offer two API's: The Dashboard API, for developers looking to integrate their existing system with our ElasticRoute Dashboard; and the Routing Engine API, for developers looking to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem in a headless environment. The Routing Engine API is only available by request, while the Dashboard API is generally available. Read more here.

Backwards-compatibility notice: Due to significant overhauls in the backend API, major version 2 of this library is not compatible with code written to work with version 1 of this library.

Quick Start Guide (Dashboard API)

Install with pip:

pip install elasticroute

Create an instance of DashboardClient, passing your API key to the constructor. The API Key can be retrieved from the dashboard of the web application).

from elasticroute.clients import DashboardClient

dashboard = DashboardClient("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")

You can then programmatically create stops to appear on your Dashboard:

from elasticroute.dashboard import Stop

stop = Stop()
stop["name"] = "Changi Airport"
stop["address"] = "80 Airport Boulevard (S)819642"


Data attributes of models in this library are accessed and modified using the index operator []. You can get/set any attributes listed in this page (under Field Headers and Description) that are not marked as Result or Readonly. Keys passed to the index operator must be strings. Passing non-string keys or attempting to modify readonly attributes will trigger a warning.

By default, this creates a stop on today's date. Change the date by passing the date keyword argument:

dashboard.stops.create(stop, date="2019-01-01")

Date strings must follow the YYYY-MM-DD format.

All CRUD operations are available for stops with the following method signatures:


All methods accept the date keyword argument. The create method throws an exception (elasticroute.errors.repository.ERServiceException) if a stop with an existing name already exists on the same day, while the retrieve, update and delete methods will throw an exception if a stop with the given name does not exist on that day.

CRUD operations are also available for Vehicles:

from elasticroute.dashboard import Vehicle

vehicle = Vehicle()
vehicle["name"] = "Morning shift driver"
vehicle["avail_from"] = 900
vehicle["avail_to"] = 1200


Like for stops, the create method throws elasticroute.errors.repository.ERServiceException if a vehicle with the same name already exists on the same account, while retrieve, update, delete methods will throw an exception if a vehicle with the given name does not yet exist in the account.

Unlike stops, vehicles are not bound by date, and are present across all dates.

Both stops and vehicles accept a dictionary in their constructor that automatically sets their corresponding data attributes.

The library helps you check for invalid values before requests are sent to the server. For instance, setting a vehicle's avail_to data attribute to 2500 will trigger a elasticroute.errors.validator.BadFieldError when performing any CRUD operations.

Currently, the Dashboard API is unable to perform CRUD operations on depots. Since the details of depots are likely not going to be changed frequently, please configure (using the web application) all the depots that your team has before using this library to perform plans.

Programmatically starting the planning process

Once you have created more than one stop for the day (and created a starting depot via the web application), you can remotely start and stop the planning process:

    # where dashboard is an instance of elasticroute.clients.DashboardClient and date is a string in YYYY-MM-DD format

Quick Start Guide (Routing Engine API)

The Routing Engine API is only available by request; please get in touch with us if you require our headless routing capabilities. Attempting to use the Routing Engine API with an unauthorized API Key will result in your requests being rejected.

If you haven't already, install this library:

pip install elasticroute>=2.0.0

Create an instance of RoutingClient, passing your API key in the constructor:

from elasticroute.clients import RoutingClient

router = RoutingClient("YOUR_API_KEY_HERE")

Create a new Plan object:

from elasticroute.routing import Plan

plan = Plan("some-unique-id")

Give us a list of stops:

from elasticroute.routing import Stop
plan.stops = [
        "name": "Changi Airport",
        "address": "80 Airport Boulevard (S)819642",
        "name": "Gardens By the Bay",
        "lat": "1.281407",
        "lng": "103.865770",
    # add more stops!
    # both human-readable addresses and machine-friendly coordinates work!

Give us a list of your available vehicles:

from elasticroute.routing import Vehicle
plan.vehicles = [
        "name": "Van 1"
        "name": "Van 2"

Give us a list of depots (warehouses):

from elasticroute.routing import Depot
plan.depots = [
        "name": "Main Warehouse",
        "address":  "61 Kaki Bukit Ave 1 #04-34, Shun Li Ind Park Singapore 417943",

Set your country and timezone:

plan.generalSettings["country"] = "SG"
plan.generalSettings["timezone"] = "Asia/Singapore"

Use the client to submit the plan:

plan = router.plans.create(plan)

The planning process is asynchronous as it takes some time to complete. Persist the value of the plan id you used earlier, and retrieve it in a separate process at a later time:

plan = router.plans.retrieve(plan_id)

plan.status should give you "planned" when the process is complete. Inspect the solution:

for stop in plan.stops:
  print("Stop {} will be served by {} at time {}".format(stop["name"], stop["assign_to"], stop["eta"]))

Advanced Usage

Setting time constraints

Time constraints for Stops and Vehicles can be set with the from and till keys of elasticroute.common.Stop, and the avail_from and avail_to keys of elasticroute.common.Vehicle:

morning_only_stop = Stop()
morning_only_stop["name"] = "Morning Delivery 1"
morning_only_stop["from"] = 900
morning_only_stop["till"] = 1200
# add address and add to plan...
morning_shift_van = Vehicle()
morning_shift_van["name"] = "Morning Shift 1"
morning_shift_van["avail_from"] = 900
morning_shift_van["avail_till"] - 1200
# add to plan and solve, or upload to dashboard using DashboardClient

elasticroute.common.Stop is the parent class of elasticroute.routing.Stop and elasticroute.dashboard.Stop; Vehicles work in a similar manner

Setting home depots

A "home depot" can be set for both Stops and Vehicles. A depot for stops indicate where a vehicle must pick up a stop's goods before arriving, and a depot for vehicles indicate the start and end point of a Vehicle's journey (this implicitly assigns the possible jobs a Vehicle can take). By default, for every stop and vehicle, if the depot field is not specified we will assume it to be the first depot.

common_stop = Stop()
common_stop["name"] = "Normal Delivery 1"
common_stop["depot"] = "Main Warehouse"
# set stop address
rare_stop = Stop()
rare_stop["name"] = "Uncommon Delivery 1"
rare_stop["depot"] = "Auxillary Warehouse"
# set stop address
main_warehouse_van = Vehicle({
    "name": "Main Warehouse Van",
    "depot": "Main Warehouse"
aux_warehouse_van = Vehicle({
    "name": "Auxillary Warehouse Van",
    "depot": "Auxillary Warehouse"

# if using DashboardClient:

# if using RoutingClient:
plan = Plan("my_plan")
plan.stops = [common_stop, rare_stop]
plan.vehicles = [main_warehouse_van, aux_warehouse_van]
plan.depots = [
        "name": "Main Warehouse",
        "address": "Somewhere"
        "name": "Auxillary Warehouse",
        "address": "Somewhere else"

For this to work, there must be a corresponding depot with the same name in the dashboard (if using DashboardClient) or in the same plan (if using RoutingClient)

Setting load constraints

Each vehicle can be set to have a cumulative maximum weight, volume and (non-cumulative) seating capacity which can be used to determine how many stops it can serve before it has to return to the depot. Conversely, each stop can also be assigned weight, volume and seating loads. The keys are weight_load, volume_load, seating_load for Stops and weight_capacity, volume_capacity and seating_capacity for Vehicles.