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A Taste of Hierarchy
2017-02-03 21:51:58 +0000
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Dave Vandenbout
Relax, I do this stuff for a living.

In my previous blog posts, the SKiDL circuit descriptions were flat. In this post, I'll show a bit of how to describe a circuit hierarchically.

Hierarchy is typically used when there is some subcircuit that needs to be replicated several times or which can serve as a module in several different designs. In the USB-to-JTAG interface board, the crystal with its two trimming capacitors is a good candidate for encapsulation in a subcircuit because this combination of components appears in many circuits. Here's what a SKiDL subcircuit for the crystal circuit looks like:

def osc(osc1, osc2, gnd):
    '''Attach a crystal and two caps to the osc1 and osc2 nets.'''
    xtal = Part(xess_lib, 'XTAL4', footprint='XESS:32x25-4') # Instantiate the crystal from the library.
    xtal[2, 4] += gnd                   # Connect the crystal ground pins.
    xtal[3, 1] += osc1, osc2            # Connect the crystal pins to the oscillator nets.
    trim_cap = cap(2, value='10pf')     # Instantiate a pair of trimmer caps.
    trim_cap[0][1, 2] += osc1, gnd      # Connect the trimmer caps to the crystal.
    trim_cap[1][1, 2] += osc2, gnd

The @SubCircuit decorator handles some housekeeping that's necessary to integrate the encapsulated circuit into the larger whole. That's followed by a Python function containing SKiDL code for the subcircuit. (Look back at this post for a description of what this code does.)

Once the subcircuit is defined, all you need to do is call it somewhere within the main SKiDL code:

osc( pic32['OSC1'], pic32['OSC2'], gnd )

The function call will pass the oscillator pins of the PIC32 microcontroller to the subcircuit so they can be attached to the crystal and capacitors (along with the ground net, gnd).

Now, there are several problems that make this subcircuit less than ideal:

  1. It depends upon the xess_lib global variable to find the library with the crystal.
  2. It uses a fixed crystal type from that library: XTAL4.
  3. It references the global cap template to instantiate the trimming capacitors.

In order to make the subcircuit more general, we can pass the crystal and capacitor parts as parameters to the function:

def osc(osc1, osc2, gnd, crystal, cap):
    '''Attach a crystal and two caps to the osc1 and osc2 nets.'''
    xtal = crystal(1)                  # Instantiate the crystal from the template.
    xtal[2, 4] += gnd                  # Connect the crystal ground pins.
    xtal[3, 1] += osc1, osc2           # Connect the crystal pins to the oscillator nets.
    trim_cap = cap(2, value='10pf')    # Instantiate a pair of trimmer caps.
    trim_cap[0][1, 2] += osc1, gnd     # Connect the trimmer caps to the crystal.
    trim_cap[1][1, 2] += osc2, gnd

But that means you have to create the template for the crystal before calling the osc function:

crystal = Part(xess_lib, 'XTAL4', footprint='XESS:32x25-4', dest=TEMPLATE)
osc(pic32['OSC1'], pic32['OSC2'], gnd, crystal, cap)

This works fine as long as you're using a crystal in a four-pin package. But many crystals only have two terminals. You can handle that in the subcircuit function as follows:

def osc(osc1, osc2, gnd, crystal, cap):
    '''Attach a crystal and two caps to the osc1 and osc2 nets.'''
    xtal = crystal(1)                  # Instantiate the crystal from the template.
    num_xtal_pins = len(xtal['.*'])    # Get the number of pins on the crystal.
    if num_xtal_pins == 4:             # This handles a 4-pin crystal...
        xtal[2, 4] += gnd              # Connect the crystal ground pins.
        xtal[3, 1] += osc1, osc2       # Connect the crystal pins to the oscillator nets.
    else:                              # Otherwise assume it's a 2-pin crystal...
        xtal[1,2] += osc1, osc2        # Using a two-pin crystal.
    trim_cap = cap(2, value='10pf')    # Instantiate a pair of trimmer caps.
    trim_cap[0][1, 2] += osc1, gnd     # Connect the trimmer caps to the crystal.
    trim_cap[1][1, 2] += osc2, gnd

The wildcard regular expression makes xtal['.*'] return a list of all of its pins. Then, the Python len operator gets the length of the list and tells us how many pins the crystal has. After that, it's just a matter of connecting the right pins depending upon how many there are. Now if you call the osc function with a two-pin crystal, it will work correctly:

crystal = Part('device', 'Crystal', footprint='Crystal:Crystal_HC49-U_Vertical', dest=TEMPLATE)
osc(*pic32['OSC1, OSC2'], gnd, crystal, cap)

Of course, sometimes you might want a simpler way to instantiate the subcircuit without having to pass components as parameters. Python default parameters come to the rescue!

def osc(osc1, osc2, gnd, 
        crystal = Part('device', 'Crystal', footprint='Crystal:Crystal_HC49-U_Vertical', dest=TEMPLATE), 
        cap = Part('device','C',value='10pf', footprint='Capacitors_SMD:C_0603', dest=TEMPLATE) ):
    '''Attach a crystal and two caps to the osc1 and osc2 nets.'''
    xtal = crystal(1)                  # Instantiate the crystal from the template.
    num_xtal_pins = len(xtal['.*'])    # Get the number of pins on the crystal.
    if num_xtal_pins == 4:             # This handles a 4-pin crystal...
        xtal[2, 4] += gnd              # Connect the crystal ground pins.
        xtal[3, 1] += osc1, osc2       # Connect the crystal pins to the oscillator nets.
    else:                              # Otherwise assume it's a 2-pin crystal...
        xtal[1,2] += osc1, osc2        # Using a two-pin crystal.
    trim_cap = cap(2)                  # Instantiate some trimmer caps.
    trim_cap[0][1, 2] += osc1, gnd     # Connect the trimmer caps to the crystal.
    trim_cap[1][1, 2] += osc2, gnd

Now you can instantiate the default oscillator circuit with the function call:

osc(pic32['OSC1'], pic32['OSC2'], gnd)

Finally, here's the complete SKiDL program so you can see how it fits together:

{% render_code a-taste-of-hierarchy/ %}