Make sure python build and twine packages are installed:
pip3 install --upgrade build twine
Create a clean clone of the branch that you want to build as any files in your development area may get accidently included in the vcon package:
get clone
git checkout [xxxxx_commit_SHA]
Update the package version number in vcon/vcon/
Be sure to clean out the dist directory:
rm dist/*
In vcon directory (root containing and vcon sub-directory):
python3 -m build
This creates sub-directory dist containing (x.x in the names below represents the version number):
- vcon-x.x-py3-none-any.whl
- vcon-x.x.tar.gz
Push the package install files up to the pypi repo.
For the test repo:
Create an API token
python3 -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*
enter "token" for the username and the API token as the password
To install the py-vcon package from the testpypi repo to test it, run the following:
pip3 install --index-url --extra-index-url py-vcon
To test, install test dependencies (there should be some way to instruct pip to do this as these are in the setup file. However, I have yet to figure it out):
pip3 install pytest pytest-asyncio pytest-dependency pytest_httpserver
copy tests and data files to a tmp directory to ensure the vcon package is not picked up
mkdir -p /tmp/py_vcon_server mkdir -p /tmp/vcon/filter_plugins cp -rp certs examples tests /tmp cp -rp py_vcon_server/tests /tmp/py_vcon_server
For the real/public repo, use the above steps, but substitute step 3 with the following:
python3 -m twine upload dist/*
Commit all of the changes and tag the build release:
git tag -a vcon_x.x [xxxxx_commit_SHA] -m "Vcon pypi release"