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Full Stack Contact Form Frontend

Welcome to the Full Stack Contact Form Frontend repository! This project serves as the frontend component of a comprehensive full-stack contact form, designed to enhance user engagement and communication on your web application. The frontend is built using React and incorporates various elements to create an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.

Project Overview

This project is part of a tutorial series available on that guides you through building a complete full-stack contact form. The series covers the following key steps:

To see the complete backend code and setup, visit the backend repository on GitHub.

Feel free to explore the code, learn from it, and adapt it to your own projects. If you have any questions or feedback, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Happy coding! 🚀

Getting Started: Nano React App Default Javascript Template

The default template project for nano-react-app.

  • npm start — This will spawn a development server with a default port of 5173.
  • npm run build — This will output a production build in the dist directory.
  • npm run preview — This will run the production build locally with a default port of 5173 (this will not work if you haven't generated the production build yet).

Custom port

You can use the -p flag to specify a port for development. To do this, you can either run npm start with an additional flag:

npm start -- --port 3000

Or edit the start script directly:

vite --port 3000

Adding styles

You can use CSS files with simple ES2015 import statements anywhere in your Javascript:

import "./index.css";

Babel transforms

The Babel preset babel-preset-nano-react-app is used to support the same transforms that Create React App supports.

The Babel configuration lives inside package.json and will override an external .babelrc file, so if you want to use .babelrc remember to delete the babel property inside package.json.

Deploy to GitHub Pages

You can also deploy your project using GitHub pages. First install the gh-pages package:

npm i -D gh-pages

Use the following scripts for deployment:

"scripts": {
  "start": "vite",
  "build": "vite build",
  "predeploy": "rm -rf dist && vite build",
  "deploy": "gh-pages -d dist"

Then follow the normal procedure in GitHub Pages and select the gh-pages branch.